Last night Crossroads enjoyed a very special "Night of Worship." We dedicated our entire Midweek service to worshipping and praising our Lord Jesus. What a great night! The auditorium was nearly full - we estimate another hundred people showed up more than normal.
The Magnifcation Department did an outstanding job putting together the whole service. I especially admire our two lead worshippers, Dan Fleming and Milo Scambellone. Dan has been going through some difficult family problems, yet he showed up and led with great devotion and commitment. Milo wrote a special song for the evening and placed the song right in the middle of the service, strategically allowing our congregation to enjoy his music and grab a rest for themselves.
Many of us needed this night to focus on God. The staff, especially, enjoyed the time of praise. I thought you might enjoy see a few pictures. Check out the photo album!
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