Today, on this last day of 2008, I've been reflecting on what I'd like the new Church Requel to look like this time next year. What are the distinctives of Church Requel? What will it be about? What won't it be about? It seems to me that people making a decision about joining me in this new endeavor have a right to know what I have in mind when I think about Church Requel. I'm sure, over time, I'll add to this list. Today, though, let me tell you about THE BIG 4 distinctives of Church Requel.
First and foremost, Church Requel will be about Jesus. I know at first blush this doesn't sound all that revolutionary. It's a church. Of course it's going to be about Jesus. While many churches give lip service to the concept that it's all about Jesus, it doesn't always seem that way to me. In reality many, if not most churches, are centered around things other than Christ. Tradition, personality, finances, programs, buildings, events or even the unchurched spiritual seeker can take center stage of why a church exists. I know that some people right now are thinking about Church Requel as just the label pasted on to "Mark's Church." I NEVER want it to be about me. I always want to be pointing the way to Jesus, about our worship of Him and our service and obedience to Him!
Second, Church Requel will feature the teaching of God's Word. Again, I know this sounds like what many churches would say. But after careful consideration, listening to hundreds of teaching pastors, some from what most would consider "very successful" churches, I am appalled at what passes these days for teaching and preaching. "Relevant" is the modern buzzword, as if somehow the written Word of the Creator Himself to his creatures could ever possibly be anything other than relevant. My task, as your pastor, is NOT to figure out what is happening in your life right now and then to try to find a passage of Scripture that seems to fit. My job, as your pastor, is NOT to discover the best parts of the Bible, or my favorite parts of the Bible, and then teach only from those sections. My job is to make sure that you have a well balanced instruction in the whole Word of God. God Himself still speaks through His Word. I need add nothing to it. I simply need to be faithful in teaching it all, and trusting the Holy Spirit to do His work in the lives of those who hear it.
Mark, I'm so glad and tickled to hear you today on WMAN 1400 - Woohoo! I pray that you have inspired listeners across the area. Perhaps a topic/niche could be "Thriving instead of surviving... covering everything you've been thru yourself. That's definitely one reason I follow you - we've both had to pack up our offices and go home. Happy New Year! THRIVE IN 2009!