For my birthday I gave myself a subscription to the NY Times. One of the many benefits of owning a Kindle (thanks again Mary Kay for that GREAT gift!) is the ability to enjoy a daily download of most newspapers. I've been trying out the NY Times and have fallen in love with the writing and well developed stories. I don't mean anything personal against the fine folks who put out our local newspaper, The News Journal, but the NY Times is an entirely different experience. I've been toying with the idea of reading the Times and writing brief comments here in the morning. I don't know that I'll always be able to do it or how much time it will take from my other responsibilities. But I thought I'd give it a try this morning. Let me know if you like it and would like to see this continued.
Bombing Plot at Bronx Synagogues - None of us are as safe as we would like to think from the evil of terrorism. From personal experience (I was held hostage when I was 14) I know that we all owe a debt of gratitude to the fine men and women who daily place themselves in harm's way for our freedom and security. I'm very thankful that no one was harmed in this particular attempt. Can you imagine... what if it were Church Requel rather than a Bronx synagogue?
"No, Mr. President" - President Obama wants to close Guantanamo next year. But the Senate voted yesterday 90 - 6 to cut out the $80 million requested by the president to close the prison. The fact that an unreleased Pentagon report concluded that about one in seven of the 534 prisoners already transferred abroad has returned to terrorism or militant activity might have had something to do with the Senate's overwhelming denial. (If the report is unreleased, how do we know what it says?) The merciful part of my heart wants to think about the six of seven that did not return to terrorism. But this is a matter that even one terrorist is too many and too high a risk.
Abuse to tens of thousands - Irish children were sexually, physically and emotionally abused by nuns, priests and others over 60 years in a network of church-run residential schools meat to care for the poor, the vulnerable and the unwanted, according to a report released in Dublin on Wednesday. How our heavenly Father's heart must ache. We cannot take for granted even the good we want to do; we must be diligent to protect the vulnerable from would be predators.
California Direct Democracy is in danger after voters rejected five ballot measures intended to balance the budget through a mix of tax increases, borrowing and the reallocation of state money. How is the government expected to raise taxes and increase debt, when the voters won't go along? Not surprisingly, California politicians say it's now time for a constitutional convention. I'm betting the result will NOT be more direct democracy.
Iran test fires a missile with a 1,200 mile range. Yes that is more than sufficient to reach Israel. This entire situation is like a nightmarish dream. You know the kind of dream I'm talking about, when you can see where everything is leading, but you are helpless to stop it from happening. If ever there was a time when we need to be praying, it is now!
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