Hi everyone. I'm writing this late Friday evening after a very long (and very productive!) week. I call these kinds of weeks "changeover" weeks because so much work goes into changing things over from one sermon series to the next. You may ask, "Are we done with the COUNT IT ALL GARBAGE series already? I thought we had one more week." You would be correct. This next Sunday is our last sermon in the series, with the topic being Selfishness. We will study James 3:13-19 in great detail.
However, I also want to promote the new Church Requel sermon series starting next week. And to do that, I have to have everything ready to go: new artwork, new background slides and a new movie promo. I so badly want to tell you all about it right here. But I'd rather tell you in person. So come Sunday night at 6PM!
Also... and I hate to do this to you... we have another REALLY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT to make about Church Requel Sunday night. This one is a good one! I'm busting at the seams, I'm so excited. But I'm going to hold off so everyone can hear the good news all at the same time. Trust me... you're going to love it!
On top of everything else, this is Memorial Day weekend. We have several great things in store for you this weekend (besides the big announcements). During our communion time we'll remember those who have sacrificed so much to give us the freedoms that we so take for granted.
Nate Williams has done another great job of putting together a Praise Team for this weekend. Joining Nate will be Dave and Ryan, and for the very first time ever Chad Berry will be playing for us. Chad is another of Nate's students, and has agreed to not only play with the Church Requel Praise Team, but he will also be playing acoustic guitar during our communion time. On top of everything else that's fantastic about this weekend, three of the four songs in our worship set are brand new to Church Requel. (Can you figure out which ones?) Here are the songs for the weekend:
You're going to love some of Nate's guitar interludes! And "Beautiful" may be one of my new favorite worship songs. I love listening to Nate and Trisha singing this together! (I think I just gave away the answer above!) It's pretty clear you love hearing them lead this song too!
Nancy Roop will be reading several different Scripture readings on the topic of Selfishness. Mark Shaw will lead our prayer time. And we'll have a good time learning how to be SELFLESS instead of SELFISH during the teaching time. We'll have some help from "Let's Make a Deal" Monty Hall; we'll learn what Mark Twain had to say about Cincinnati; and we'll learn what WWJD really should stand for.
Sincerely... I'm not lying... no exaggeration... you DON'T want to miss this weekend at Church Requel. We'll be meeting Sunday at 6PM at the Mid-Ohio Conference Center, 890 West 4th Street, across from Arlin Field. See you there! Pastor Mark
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