This weekend we continue the Belong series with session #3 - The Mission of Church Requel. Our mission is "to be a community loving God and loving people." Those nine little words are few in number but pack a powerful punch. Along the way we'll discover seven great reasons for community. And we'll find out some fascinating background behind the greatest commandment question of the lawyer to Jesus. (Did you know that the religious community had developed 613 individual moral laws? Where did the 613 come from? There are 613 Hebrew letters in the Ten Commandments!)
We have one more week to go before our first baptisms. So far seven people have decided to be baptized at Church Requel. Isn't that GREAT news? Our first ones will be next weekend - November 28th. We'll talk a little about our plans for that too.
Along the way, Nate Williams and Helga Rein will lead our acoustic worship songs together. The last time Helga played her violin, we enjoyed a very special communion together. I'm hoping for the same this weekend. And I'll be praying for Nate's voice. He's been sick all week and he isn't sure if he'll be able to sing or not Sunday. I'm praying especially hard because if Nate's voice isn't a go Sunday night, then yours truly may have to get up and sing. (Now you'll be praying too, right? But which way? ha-ha!)
Jana Edwards will be leading our Bible reading. And Mary Kay Pierce has agreed to share our announcements. There's always something new and different happening at Church Requel!
Our setup team will arrive at 2PM to convert our chapel area over to the Church Requel look. We could always use a few more hands, if you wish to help for an hour or so. And, of course, we appreciate those of you who stick around afterward to put everything away. We couldn't do Church Requel without the help of the many behind-the-scenes folks who make it possible. You know who you are. Thanks!
Remember - our location is at Ontario Christian Fellowship, 636 S. Lexington-Springmill Road, just one mile south of Richland Mall. See you Sunday at 6PM!