Last week was filled with preparations for Easter. I wrote two sermons last week - one for Good Friday and one for Easter. I also had the privilege of writing the weekly Viewpoint article for last Saturday's News Journal. Then there was the delivery of 100 meals to the poor and hungry on Saturday morning. All of this was wonderful. I love it. It's my calling. It's work, but it's work I love to do. By Sunday night, however, both Mary Kay and I needed a break.
I am most fortunate to have a brother, who understands the pastor's need for breaks. For 27 years my brother Todd pastored several churches, Nazarene and then Vineyard. During those years our home was a safe haven for him and Amy to be able to escape the pressures of the pastorate. We wanted our home to be a place where they could just be themselves with no expectations. Little did either of us know that in our later life our situations would become reversed. Now Todd is retired from the pastorate and I am fully immersed in it! Now Todd and Amy offer the safe haven for Mary Kay and I to enjoy from time to time.
Sunday evening after the wonderful Church Requel Easter service, we hopped in the car and drove the normally 3-hour drive to Mason, Ohio. The people of Church Requel were wonderful. They took care of tearing down, putting everything away, and locking up the church. In our church we need several hours to setup and at least an hour to tear down. Normally I'm immersed in every part of it. Sunday night Steve Thoman told me to "get out of here. We got it covered." It felt good to say goodbye to everyone and just drive away.
We didn't drive far, however, until we found ourselves stuck in traffic. Before we even got 4 miles on the highway we found ourselves creeping along at 5 miles per hour. It took us and hour and a half to drive 5 miles. I'm sure there must have been an accident, but we never saw it. We didn't arrive to Todd's until 1am!
Of course we couldn't just go to bed. We all stayed up and talked for another hour. We finally hit the water bed - Todd and Amy love their water beds! - around 2 in the morning. My internal alarm went off at 6:30 and I stayed in bed another hour after that. It was no good. I couldn't get back to sleep. I went downstairs and found Todd and Amy working on a great breakfast for us. Scrambled eggs with all the fixings, blueberry pancakes and bacon. Not a breakfast one could eat every morning, but it sure hit the spot on Monday.
We talked about what we wanted to do together. We settled on a plan to split up the girls and the guys. Amy and Mary Kay did some shopping, while Mark and Todd went to the the gym. Todd recommended a book to me back in January: Younger Next Year. We both have been working out every day and being a little more careful with our diets (Monday morning's breakfast notwithstanding.) I took the picture of Todd (top right) while we were both on the elliptical machines.
Then we went back home and worked on my recumbent bicycle. More accurately, Todd worked on my bike while I watched. He tore the chain down and soaked it in gasoline. He washed down the entire bike. Yes, we discovered it is still red! He found one part that was ready to come apart so we went down to the local bike shop to buy a replacement. He adjusted my gears and my brakes. He even sewed up a rip in my seat, which happened 9 years ago when my wheels got caught in a road rut and I fell, tearing my britches and my seat (and leaving me with some serious bruises and abrasions!)
My bike is now like new. I can't wait to get out and ride again. (Will this rain ever stop?) I'm even shopping for a small pannier bag that doubles as a shoulder bag, so I can carry my computer and papers with me. I figure that a little more than one tankful of gasoline will make up for the expense of the bag.
Bottom line: I'm back in my office now and ready to go for the week. I enjoyed my brief stay with Todd and Amy and got my batteries recharged. Now it's time to get back to work. During breakfast with Todd and Amy Monday morning, I told them that I don't love the routine of the pastorate - no one likes chores, do they? - but I love, love, love the special moments of the pastorate. Like when I have the chance to pray with someone or encourage someone in their moment of trial or despair. I realize that for me to be prepared for those special moments, it's important to keep my own tank full. Thanks Todd and Amy for giving us a chance to get away for a couple days and rest. It was much appreciated!
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