Hey everyone! Pastor Mark here. I'm writing this special message to let you know that we will be helping financially strapped families this Thanksgiving with all the food and fixens necessary for a great family Thanksgiving meal. Over the next three weekends we'll be gathering food, finances and families whom we may serve. I'd like to give you plenty of time to pray and consider how you might help. There are 3 ways you can be a partner with us!
Food - We will be collecting groceries over the next 3 weekends at our Church Requel services. You may bring can goods or boxed goods. Anything that will keep and that would fit the theme of a Thanksgiving meal would be welcomed. Cans of vegetables or fruits would be great. Boxes of stuffing or boxed desserts would be wonderful too. As a church we'll raise the money to purchase turkeys, potatoes and yes, even the turkey pan.
Finances - If God should lead you to be generous in your finances, you may give money to help us make these food and fixens purchases. Also, if you are not a regular attendee of our congregation - but want to help - you can give this way.
Families - We'd also like you to begin thinking of families that could use the extra help this year. (It could even be you! That would be great!) You can email me, or call me (419.564.1525), or - if you attend CR - fill out the names of people on the back of the Connection Card in church. It would really help us if you could give us the family's address, contact name, and phone number too. We hope to distribute the meals the week of Thanksgiving.
How many meals might we give away this year? I have no idea. Let's leave that up to the food, finances, and families that God lays on our hearts. All I do know is that this is the kind of thing a requel church does as a normal kind of thing. Thanks for your generous support! And thanks also to Sherry and Randy for their passion and leadership this Thanksgiving season! - Pastor Mark