Every week I publish my sermon notes so that you may read them for yourselves. For my parishioners, this could be a good review from the weekend before. And it gives you a chance to see what I intended to say! For other pastors and ministers, feel free to borrow and use any of this material. I'd love for God to be glorified by you incorporating these notes into your own worship.
Listen to God Works All Things For My Good
I KNOW part 10: “God Works All Things For Good” 02.12.12
Scripture: Romans 8:28 NIV / YouVersion Sermon Notes
Videos: “Called” by Dustin Williams / “Alls Well That Ends Well” by Crossroads Creative
Intro: We come today to one of the GREAT promises of the entire Bible. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 NIV If I’ve heard it quoted once I’ve heard it quoted thousands of times. Many Christ-followers tell me it is their most favorite verse in all of Scripture. The challenge is that not only have I heard it quoted, I’ve often heard it misquoted. Sometimes not all the ingredients are always included. Today we’re going to do two things. First we’ll take a look at the six ingredients of God’s great promise to us in Romans 8:28. Second we’ll consider 4 ways to remember all 6 key ingredients. Let’s take a look at this great promise with all 6 ingredients!
6 Ingredients of God’s Great Promise
Ingredient #1 - The ___ASSURANCE___ of the promise.
“And we know that ...” Romans 8:28a NIV
God does not want you to be doubtful about this promise in your life. God is good. He wants to accomplish good things in your life. And He wants you to KNOW it, not DOUBT it. Paul writes this to the Roman Christians - and to us today - with a shared conviction. This is not something that is only for some Christians, for saints, for clergy, for experienced Christians... it’s for all. And that includes you! What a difference this would make in our life if we KNEW that God was on our side, that He was for us and not against us... that evil is never His intent.
Ingredient #2 - The ___EXPANSE___ of the promise.
“... in all things ...” Romans 8:28b NIV
When you or I say “all things” we really don’t know what that means. We think we have some idea, but since we’ve not experienced all things, or created all things, we can only conceive of a limited slice of what “all things” really means. But when God says “all things,” and since He created all things, - this really has ALL THINGS in mind! Think of it. Every bad thing that happens is included. Every hurt, every loss, each disappointment, each heartache. All of it! It’s not just that somehow there’s more good than bad. It’s that God takes ALL THINGS - even the evil and bad things - and somehow miraculously works them for your good! No exceptions. No exclusions. Not a high percentage. ALL!
Ingredient #3 - The ___SOURCE___ of the promise.
“... God works ...” Romans 8:28c NIV
This is incredible. Where else have we seen God at work? Creation. All the universe around you that you are a part of, that you exist within. That’s God’s work. And God worked to plan and initiate your redemption through Christ. He sent His Son to die so that your sins might be paid for. He raised His Son so that you might have the hope of your own resurrection some day. The kind of work God does is awesome.
Here we learn about the ongoing nature of God’s work. That He is continuously taking all the things that happen, including the wrong, the cursed, the hatred, the evil, the foul, the disasters, the accidents, the wars, the murders, the lies - ALL of it... and God works to turn it into good for those who love him!
Chess Illustration - Think of the endless layers of thinking and working this involves. It’d be like a chess game with no corners, no dimensions, an endless, infinite, continuous, historic and future working to bring all that happens into the rightness of His will and intent.
God works, not delegates. And just so we’re clear, this is not God at his managerial best delegating out the details to subordinates. This is personal for God. HE WORKS. This should send a chill and a thrill down the back of every Christ-follower. God isn’t retired waiting for it all to work out eventually. He is making it happen - despite the working of Evil to the contrary - for your good and mine.
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