Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Last Friday - for the first time in a year, I didn't get out a "What's Happening" post to everyone last week. I thought no one even noticed until Patty, my friend and waitress at Paul Revere's Family Restaurant, called me on it at breakfast. "Hey Mark, I missed my Friday email. I looked for it. I searched my inbox. I thought maybe something was wrong with my email service." Thanks Patty for confirming that my weekly missive would be "missed" by at least one person!
Last Sunday night at the potluck celebration, I broke the news that Church Requel would need to change its strategy as we move into 2013. Our attendance and finances have not been enough to continue to support our meeting on Sunday evenings at Ontario Christian Fellowship.
When we started the Sunday evening services 3 years ago, we thought there would be enough people in Mansfield who would value a Sunday evening meeting time. It turns out there's a pretty good reason why so many churches have made the decision NOT to have Sunday evening services. It's really hard to get people to come. In our Richland County culture, there are just too many other competing events in people's lives to get them to come out to a Sunday night church service.
The Lord truly does know - we gave Sunday nights our very best creative efforts. There does come a time, though, when it just doesn't make sense to continue doing the same thing over and over again and yet expect a different and more positive result.
I told our congregation last Sunday that I was committed to Church Requel and asked them to let me know about their own commitment. Should we believe in the future of CR and look for another place where we can conduct Sunday morning services? Or should we assume that this is the beginning of the end for our small church?
Your response this past week has been so affirming and encouraging. As I think about it, there isn't anyone who was at the potluck this past Sunday evening who hasn't told me of their full commitment. The message from you has been just how much Church Requel really has become your family. Sara said it well: "Tell me when and where CR will meet and I'll be there. Church Requel is my church. I've made so many friends - they've really become my family."
I've received multiple calls of encouragement from Sheri: "Our problems are all about Sunday night. It's not CR. And it's not you, Pastor Mark. We need a place to call our own, where we can plant our own sign, where we can meet as often as we need to. You need an office there too, where parishioners can meet with you. We're going to find that place and we're going to make sure it happens!" Thanks Sheri. True to her word she has called me back with several potential locations.
Randy also met me this past week and echoed what Sheri told me. "We need a permanent home for Church Requel. It's not just about holding church services. We need a location from which we can serve the needs of our surrounding community." Randy added that he's also been in contact with his own real estate agent, whom he uses for his business, to ask about potential locations for Church Requel.
Diana sent me a very long email with every potential place she could think of for us to meet. I just reread her email and counted. She gave me a list of 12 places! I also enjoyed breakfast this morning with Pastor Aaron Rose, who you know has preached several times at Church Requel. "This is not a negative in any way," said Aaron. "This is the best news possible. I'm sure you will grow with a Sunday morning time and location."
This really is only a sampling of the responses I've received this week. The bottom line - as I write this to you this Friday morning - is that I know you are behind me and Church Requel 100%. Thank you so much. I admit I really did need to hear from you and know I'm not in this alone. I don't know exactly what our next step will be, but I know we'll take that step together - as friends and family with faith in Christ.
Our leadership team has committed to meet every Tuesday morning for breakfast at the Trimble Road Bob Evans to discuss our options. We are meeting at 7am. We welcome any of you who wish to join us. In the meantime - here's what you can do. 1) Please keep praying. Ask God for his direction and guidance for the leadership of our church. And commit to Him that you and we will be responsive and obedient to His direction. 2) Give of your time and financial resources as God directs. 3) Continue to attend and invite your friends and family. This is a time when we must encourage one another as best we can. Filling up the OCF pews on Sunday night these last 7 weekends in 2012 will take us a long way down that encouragement path!
New Sermon Series. Speaking of coming out to Church Requel Sunday evening - I have worked on a new sermon series for the next 3 weekends. These three talks have grown out of my heart's passion for how God is moving in our church. I'm calling it Failing Forward. These talks are all about how God shows us His greatest strength in our moments of greatest weakness. The sermons all come from 2 Corinthians 4:7-16. How's this for words of encouragement from the Apostle Paul:
"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 ESV
Over the next 3 weeks we'll discover that what we are experiencing as a church, and what many of you have experienced individually this year, is not unusual for authentic Christ followers. Often our faith is a matter of failing forward. We experience lives of emotional contradictions, even while sharing Christ and changing our focus upon Him. I hope you'll come and share these talks with me. We'll also share communion together at the end of every talk for the next 7 weeks. I anticipate this to be an intimate and special time of worship together.
I would love to continue hearing from you. How has God worked in your own prayer life this week? What encouragement have you received from Him and from one another? What words of encouragement could you share with me and others? Please email me or call me. I would love to hear from you!
Failing Forward Into Christ, Pastor Mark
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