Good Friday everyone! Pastor Mark here with your weekly update about all the great things happening this weekend at Church Requel. I hope this chilly Friday finds you warm inside!
This weekend we will wrap up our New Years 2013 sermon series with the talk, "Choosing My Future." Did you know that to a very large extent you choose your own future? No, you can't determine the circumstances in your life, but you can choose how you will respond to them. Who you are right now is largely determined by the choices you have made in the past. Who you will be in the future is largely determined by the choices you will make today.
We will continue our study of Hebrews, this time looking at chapter 11. We'll learn four choices that Moses made that turned him into the greatest hero of the Old Testament. These same four choices are ones that you and I can make today. I'm really excited about this talk and can't wait to share it with you. I hope you'll join me and all your Church Requel friends Sunday morning at 11... "down at the Point of Grace!"
Children's Program. I received word today from Lisa about the children's program Sunday morning. Lisa will be leading our children's church with a focus on Psalm 118:24. We can rejoice in whatever day God gives us. To help learn this lesson really well, the kiddos will be playing a brand new game. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but let's just say the game involves a whiffle ball, a bucket of water and... a child laying on the floor!
Women's Bible Study. Our ladies met together this past Wednesday and have selected an OUTSTANDING Bible study for this first quarter: "Esther: It's Tough Being A Woman" by Beth Moore. This DVD study includes 9 weeks of personal, interactive study. Every other Wednesday at 6:30pm, starting on January 30th, our ladies will come together at the Pierce household to hear Beth Moore teach this outstanding series.
Feed the Neighbors. Our first official opportunity to serve our neighbors a good, hearty meal will be Saturday evening, February 2nd. Sheri Nichols has agreed to lead this team and be our head cook. Thanks Sheri! But this will be a BIG TEAM effort. Between now and February 2nd, you could help us with food. We’re asking you when you come to church on Sunday this week and next to bring in large, gallon-sized cans of green beans, brown gravy packets, and butter. On the night of the neighborhood meal, we need as many desserts as possible! Questions? Talk to Sheri!
Some of us are planning on showing up tomorrow evening to help out this weekend's team. While it's not our turn - we thought we could come and lend a hand... and learn more about this exciting new ministry. If you want to come and help out too, just show up. I'll be there around 4pm.
Cleaning Team. The sanctuary looks B-E-A-U-T-F-U-L. We have another Sheri to thank for that. Sheri Shick and the cleaning team will keep meeting every Tuesday morning at 11am. All are welcome to join in the cleaning fun! With all the work we're doing on the church, we might have to worship around some messes in the meantime. Just imagine how much worse it would be without the cleaning team!
Sanctuary Work Has Begun! Finally, we've begun the process of rewiring the sanctuary for all the permanent light fixtures, sound equipment, screen, and projector. Most of this will be behind the scenes (actually underneath the floors and above the rafters), so you may not see the changes right away. It will probably take a few weeks before everything is done. All the parts except for the screen were delivered this week. We will begin installation Monday morning.
Podcast Every Week. Each week I also put out an audio podcast about the things going on here at Church Requel. We also include the past weekend's sermon. This past weekend's talk, "Keeping My Confidence" is included. You can listen online or download the podcast to your smartphone or mp3 player. It's a great way to stay connected while you're driving or exercising. Here's a link to this past week's edition.
It's turned out to be a pretty day today. I hope you have some great plans to enjoy it. And I hope you have a great weekend. Can't wait to see everyone Sunday morning at Church Requel! Invite a friend to come with you!
With great affection, Pastor Mark
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