Happy Friday everyone! Pastor Mark here with your weekly update of all the cool things going on at Church Requel. What a CRAZY week it's been! We asked God for opportunities in 2013, and WOW! Has He ever been providing them! I can fill you in a little bit here, but if you want all the details, click in to listen to this week's podcast: Taking Care of Business. It's a lot of fun this week.
This weekend - Keeping My Confidence. You know what it's like when you feel confident, right? More importantly you probably know all too well what it feels like when you've lost your confidence. Major bummer. Sometimes you just feel like a feather would knock you over. Did you know that the Bible has a lot to say about your confidence? About losing your confidence? And what you should do to keep your confidence? We're going to study all of that in Hebrews 10 this coming Sunday. You can be confident you will walk away Sunday more confident than ever before!!!
We'll sing some songs we love, including "Oh Praise Him" and "Bless Your Name." We'll have a really fun children's sermon called "Incredible Strength," where we will see how a piece of paper in one way completely wilts with a styrofoam cup, and in another - which just a few folds - can hold up the cup filled with liquid! The kiddos will be sure to want to try this one at home, so parents - pay attention! Grayden and Anna... and Jana will read our Scriptures. We'll pray together and share communion together. Nancy will bring our announcements. Here's some of the things she'll talk about...
Women's Bible Study. Ladies, you will meet for the first time in 2013 this coming Wednesday night at 6:30 at the Pierce’s home. Come for fun and fellowship - and maybe even some dessert and coffee! We’re going to pick our Bible study this week, so be thinking about what you would be interested in studying. If you’ve never come before, this would be a great opportunity to start!
Feed the Neighbors. Our first opportunity to serve our neighbors a good, hearty meal will be Saturday evening, February 2nd. Sheri Nichols has agreed to lead this team and be our head cook. Thanks Sheri! But this will be a BIG TEAM effort. Here’s how we can help Sheri. She will need at least 2 adult volunteers to show up with her at 2:30 Saturday afternoon to begin food preparation. Everyone else who wants to help should show up by 4:30. There’s a sign-up sheet in the back lobby. The meal will start at 5pm and end at 6:30pm. We anticipate another hour for cleanup afterward. Between now and February 2nd, you could help us with food. We’re asking you to bring in large, gallon-sized cans of green beans, brown gravy packets, and butter. On the night of the neighborhood meal, we need as many desserts as possible! Questions? Talk to Sheri!
Cleaning Team. The sanctuary looks B-E-A-U-T-F-U-L. We have another Sheri to thank for that. Sheri Shick led a team of a half-dozen people this past Tuesday morning. They swept and cleaned every single pew cushion. They dusted and polished all the woodwork! All of you who helped Sheri - Janet, Cindy, Diana, Steve - thanks so much! The cleaning team will keep meeting every Tuesday morning at 11am. All are welcome to join in the cleaning fun!
Sanctuary Work Has Begun! Finally, we've begun the process of rewiring the sanctuary for all the permanent light fixtures, sound equipment, screen, and projector. Most of this will be behind the scenes (actually underneath the floors and above the rafters), so you may not see the changes right away. It will probably take a few weeks before everything is done. All the parts were ordered this week. We met with several volunteers this week who will help us pull cables and wires - Thanks Jon, Brian, Randy, and Larry!
Hope you have a great weekend. Can't wait to see everyone Sunday morning at Church Requel! Pastor Mark