Good Friday everyone! Pastor Mark here with your weekly "What's Happening" post. This is a big weekend for us at Church Requel. We are starting a brand new sermon series on Sunday morning. I'm really excited about "My Story - Living The Story You Want To Tell."
We kick the series off this week with "The End." Now I know most people don't like to read the ending to a book before they read the beginning, but in this case I think you'll appreciate knowing where we're headed. If you know "The End" you want your story to tell, then making good choices now is so much better. Before Sunday is finished, you should walk away with 4 ways to live out your story every day with the end in mind.
You'll each receive a really nice brochure outlining the 8-week sermon series. This should take us right up to Palm Sunday in March. I've printed lots of extra brochures so you can not only keep one for yourself, but give a few away to your family and friends. The 8 "chapters" of this series are:
- January 27th - "Starting with The End"- What story are you telling?
- February 3rd - "Ghost Writing"- Who is the author of my story?
- February 10th - "Plot Lines" - What good plot drives your life?
- February 17th - "Getting Published" - If you're a Christ-follower, you have connections!
- February 24th - "Splits and Royalties"- Are you the owner or the caretaker of your story?
- March 3rd - "A Thousand Words A Day"- Words without actions don't make for a very good story.
- March 10th - "Character Driven"- Do you know the main character of your story well?
- March 17th - "The Sequel"- Is your story being told in other lives as well as your own?
As you can see, I've gotten a pretty good start on this sermon series and I can't wait to share it with you. We have all new artwork and music to go along with the new sermon series. This would be a great time to invite a friend or co-worker to come to church with you. I'm hoping that these will be talks that everyone can benefit from!
Bring Food / Feed the Neighbors. Our first official opportunity to serve our neighbors a good, hearty meal will be this coming Saturday evening, February 2nd. Sheri Nichols has agreed to lead this team and be our head cook. Thanks Sheri! But this will be a BIG TEAM effort.
We’re asking you when you come to church on Sunday this week and bring in large, gallon-sized cans of green beans, brown gravy packets, and butter. On the night of the neighborhood meal, we need as many desserts as possible! Questions? Talk to Sheri!
Women's Bible Study. Our ladies have selected an OUTSTANDING Bible study for this first quarter: "Esther: It's Tough Being A Woman" by Beth Moore. This DVD study includes 9 weeks of personal, interactive study. Every other Wednesday at 6:30pm, starting this coming Wednesday (Jan. 30th), our ladies will come together at the Pierce household to hear Beth Moore teach this outstanding series. Ok... admission time! I ordered the books last week, but I mistakenly ordered all leader's guides! I've reordered the books and hopefully you will all have them by Wednesday. The good news is that this first lesson is all introduction by Beth Moore. You don't need to read anything before you come.
Cleaning Team. Sheri Shick and the cleaning team will keep meeting every Tuesday morning at 11am. All are welcome to join in the cleaning fun! With all the work we're doing on the church, we might have to worship around some messes in the meantime. Just imagine how much worse it would be without the cleaning team!
Wiring Work Has Begun! Finally, we've begun the process of rewiring the sanctuary for all the permanent light fixtures, sound equipment, screen, and projector. Most of this will be behind the scenes (actually underneath the floors and above the rafters). We could use some more help from some of you guys in the church. Talk to Jonathan Pierce to learn about the opportunities available to help. The more help we get, the faster our work will go!
That will wrap up this week's e-newsletter to you. I am LOVING our Sunday mornings together. Have you noticed that we have new folks coming now every Sunday? We need all hands on deck every Sunday so we can meet and greet all of our new friends who are considering making Church Requel their church home.
With great affection, Pastor Mark