This Sunday morning Church Requel shall meet again at 11 AM at our new church home at 2 Marion Avenue. We had a great time last weekend and I expect it to be even better this coming Sunday. Brandi will be leading our worship singing experience. She has selected one new song for us: "Good To Be Alive" by Jason Gray. When I see that title, I think to myself: 'My sentiments exactly!'
Randy Craig will be reading our scripture. Nancy Roop will be leading our announcement time. We'll pray together and share communion together too. The elementary children will have a special teaching time downstairs with Brandi. I've decided to talk a little bit about our mission statement and how we plan to live it out in 2013. Can you remember those nine little words that make up our mission? "To be a community loving God and loving people." Simple. Clear. And for this next year... exciting!
Cleaning Team Tuesday at 11AM. If you would like to be a part of the cleaning team, be sure to show up at the church this coming Tuesday morning at 11am. Thank you Sheri for your leadership!
Women's Bible Studay. The ladies will meet for the first time in 2013 on Wednesday evening, January 16th at 6:30pm. This first week you will meet at Mary Kay Pierce's home. This meeting will be mostly a social time where you will pick a new study for this next year. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the women's Bible study!
Holiday Podcast. I haven't produced a podcast in a couple weeks. This week I took the best sections of my talks for Christmas and New Years and rolled them into one podcast that is just over one hour of listening. Here is your chance to be a true Church Requel insider. Click here to listen.
That wraps up our weekly newsletter. I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday morning at 11!
Affectionately yours, Pastor Mark