You will NOT want to miss this special weekend worship at CR! Our children have been practicing for the past month to lead you this Sunday into the Presence of our Lord. I had the privilege of hanging out at their last rehearsal Wednesday night. They are amazing!!! Fifteen children (and their dedicated parents) showed up to rehearse for 90 minutes. I loved it and so will you! Let's thank Brandi for her leadership to make this happen. Also thanks to Diana, who captured this special moment with her camera. Check out some more kids' praise team pictures on our Facebook page. Or watch this 4-second sneak peek! We believe that our children not only are becoming the church of tomorrow, but are also the church of today. Sunday we live out that conviction. Not only will our kiddos be singing, but they will also be reading Scripture, and acting out a dramatic moment during the sermon.
Sermon: The Law of Contentment. We continue our Family Financial Fitness series Sunday by talking on the topic of contentment. We'll never get on top of our financial situation until our earnings exceed our yearnings. The Bible teaches us:
“It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to be always wanting something else.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 GN)
We'll talk about 5 not-so-good outcomes of always wanting more, more, more. Then I'll share with you 4 very practical ways to learn contentment in your life. Along the way, some of our children will help me teach by acting out "MORE." I'm not allowed to tell you any -ahem- MORE about it. I have everMORE been sworn to secrecy. FurtherMORE, I can tell you that no sophoMOREs or sycaMOREs are involved. Beyond that I cannot tell you anyMORE. (We really should have someone edit me.)
Hello to March! Today is the last day of February. Let's pray that March does not come in like a lion, at least until after our worship service this Sunday at 11am. We have a couple March dates you will want to put on your calendars:
- New Membership Class, Saturday, March 22nd. We'll begin with registration and breakfast at 8:00. The class will begin at 8:30am and last until 1:30pm. A Subway lunch is included. Sign up on the back of you Connect Card Sunday morning.
- Game Night, Friday March 28th. This event is fun for kids of all ages. Bring any games you might like to play: card games, board games, puzzles. We will also have at least one game that we all will play together. Also bring snacks and pop to share with others.
Seriously, let's pray that Sunday's predicted snow storm comes later or heads in a different direction away from Church Requel. Hope to see you all Sunday! With affection, Pastor Mark
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