Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Labor Day weekend is here. I don't know whether to celebrate because it's a holiday weekend or cry because it's the unofficial end to summer. It has been such a great summer for us at CR. I would estimate that about a third of us who are regularly coming each Sunday morning have started attending this summer! If you look around and don't know someone, introduce yourself. They're probably new too and looking for a friend!
I may be vacillating on my feelings about the Labor Day weekend, but I am absolutely certain of my excitement for this coming Sunday morning at Church Requel. I'm especially looking forward to Kay Butts reading 1 Peter chapter 1 to us. You all know Kay to be an excellent reader. She always puts everything she has into the reading of Scripture. I have a feeling this Sunday will also be pretty special for Kay too, as her summer-long prayer to move to a new home has been answered! Let's all celebrate with Kay on Sunday!
The reason we have Kay reading the entire chapter is that we are wrapping up our summer study this weekend. I have really enjoyed these past 6 weeks as we've taken an in-depth study of 1 Peter 1. We will focus our attention Sunday morning on the last 4 verses (22-25). I'm titling the talk, "Unremitting Love."
Would you like a little preview? I'm going to do something that my seminary profs would have told me never to do ahead of time. I'm going to give away my conclusion to you now. I'm doing this in the interest of motivating you to come hear the talk:
"What I’ve just laid out for you is God’s plan for love. Think about your love relationships. With your spouse. With your financé. With your friends. With your business partners. What we’ve talked about today is what God has designed for your relationships. All of them. All bound by love. This is God’s love roadmap. This is God’s love plan. Do you want to find a person like this? First start being that kind of person yourself!"
KidsMin - Armor of God. How many of you missed Tamira Barnes last weekend? I know your kids did! She had some family business in Florida to take care of and so we sent her away with our blessing. She's back this weekend and looking forward to starting a whole new series for the kiddos! So this Sunday would be an excellent time to make sure all the children are at CR.
Tamira tells me the elementary children will be learning all about the armor of God. Sounds like a great lesson for all of us! If you don't already know it, check out Ephesians 6:10-18. Knowing Tamira as well as I do, I'm guessing our childen will probably be quoting that from memory before too long.
The pre-schoolers have some exciting plans too! (Did you know there were 11 in our pre-school class last weekend?!) They will be learning about each day of Creation each week. My daughter, Jessica, told Tamira that last week went really well. Our tiny tots are excited to learn about what was created each day. Along the way, they will be making some creations of their own!
S'mores Praise & Bonfire. Make sure to mark 6PM on Friday, September 19th on your calendars for another great Church Requel social and spiritual event. We'll make a bonfire, devour some hot dogs and s’mores, and sing praise songs together. And here's the great news! Jack and Sheri Nichols have volunteered to host the event at their place! They live at 4565 Flowers Road in Ontario. We'll have a map for you two weeks before the event. But save the date now!
Feed The Hungry. Saturday evening, September 20th, will be our next opportunity as a church family to feed those in our neighborhood who could use a free meal. We need volunteers at 4pm. The meal begins at 5pm and lasts for one hour. Volunteers should plan to stay and clean up until 7pm. We also would appreciate you providing desserts for that evening. You'll find the sign-up sheet in the foyer for volunteers and desserts. I'm so proud of the way so many of you have already volunteered and signed up!
Finally, I leave you with this graphic above. This is what our teaching focus will be on this Fall. We will be studying the back half of the book of Ephesians on a verse by verse basis. Along the way, we're going to discover the best relationship advice ever given. If I were you, I'd do two things. First, I'd make sure not to miss a single Sunday. Second, I'd make sure that anyone in a relationship with me would be following each sermon each week too (either in person or online!)
Love you all very much! I'm excited about the growth of our church family! See you Sunday at 11am! Pastor Mark
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