Good Friday morning Church Requel!
What an amazing Fall season this is going to be for our chuch! Wow! I met with all our leaders - both on our board and our staff - last evening. I am so thrilled to tell you about all the good news. Be encouraged. God is doing great things in our church!
Wear That Armor! We are SO BLESSED to have Tamira Barnes as our children's director! She told me about the KidsMin's first week in their new "Armor of God" teaching series last Sunday.
They tried on a bunch of protective gear .. From straw hats and sunglasses .... To catcher masks and safety glasses .. Shin guards and other sports stuff this non-sports girl knows nothing about :) The point was for them to see the Bible speaks of a protective amour that we need to put on ourselves. We had a really good discussion about Jesus and Satan .. A few kids were not convinced that he really does exist ... It was a really good discussion and definitely a step forward in their spiritual development :)
We did an object lesson with oranges .... When the orange was put in water it floated ... When we started to peel the protective "amour " .. The peel off .. The orange continued to sink ..
When it was all peeled off the orange sank to the bottom ... This really clicked with a few of the kids ...
Obstacle Course and "Meet the Sarge." Tamira said this got her to thinking about soldiers and battles and boot camps. So what else would we expect from Tamira? This week she has created an obstacle course at Church Requel and the children of KidsMin will find themselves in training. She has also invited Sergeant Jesse Stocks to be our special guest to meet our children and affirm the need for wearing the right armor.
I draw two conclusions from all these cool developments from Tamira. First - if I'm a parent or grandparent (and I'm both!), I'd do everything I can to make sure my elementary age children never miss a Sunday at Church Requel! They are learning lessons they will always remember and take with them the rest of their lives.
Second, if you have any interest in working with children then you really should contact Tamira and let her know. She is not only teaching some great lessons to our kiddos, but she's also leading a great team of children's workers. What fun it must be to be on the KidsMin team these days!
Speaking of the KidsMin Team, Tamira is planning on inviting all the Nursery and KidsMin team members to her home on Thursday evening, September 18th at 6:30pm. Sounds like fun!
RELATE Begins Sunday! I don't mean to suggest that all the great news about Church Requel is about our children and KidsMin program. We adults have some great stuff going on too! For one thing, this Sunday will be the beginning of our new Fall sermon series we're calling RELATE. We're going to study Ephesians chapters 4 through 6 over the course of the next 3 months! Each week we'll study just a few verses, and in the process, we'll learn how to relate to one another, our families, our friends, our colleagues, as well as our enemies.
Here are just a few of the sermon titles to wet your appetite: "The Game Plan," "The Myth of More," "Both Feet In," "Fool or Friend?" and "The Truth About Submission!" By the way, on that last one - there is one version for wives and another version for husbands. Each week this Fall should be really special. I encourage you to come for each lesson. I've spend dozens of hours this summer on my patio writing out these talks and I can't wait to share them with you!
Brandi Talks Teams. Brandi Walker told me this week that she really believes God is moving in her life to help people in our church plugged into serve teams. Did you know that we have six main serving teams at Church Requel? Close your eyes. How many of the six can you name? Okay, open your eyes. (How many of you actually closed your eyes? If you did, raise your hand. [Ahem - how many of you actually raised your hand? LOL!]) Here's the list of our six serving teams at CR:
- Tech Team led by yours truly;
- Worship Team led by Brandi Walker;
- Prep Team led by Lisa Hatfield;
- Greeting Team led by Trish Trubachik;
- KidsMin Teams led by Tamira Barnes;
- Counting Team led by Angie Henke.
I love how much organization Brandi has already brought to these teams that serve the church. Have you noticed the 3 new leaders too? Lisa, Trish and Angie will bring some new blood to our leadership ranks. I'm so thrilled for them and their teams. Over the course of the next month each team will be meeting (and celebrating!) Look for your team insert in your program this weekend. Make sure to join up with your favorite team!
Kids Help Lead Worship. Speaking of Brandi - she's got some great plans for this weekend's worship service too! Joining her on the Praise Team will be Ian Jensen, Paityn Hall and Grace Miller! You've seen Ian play the bass guitar several times. But did you know he can sing too?! And you know that everything little Paityn and Gracie do, they do with panache and energy! I'm also pumped about my own grandson, Grayden Pierce, who will be giving our announcements this Sunday.
Baptism Service on September 21st. Two people will be baptized in two weeks: Doug Konves and Angie Henke. I know several others are still thinking about it. I love that our church is seeing new people being baptized. It's a sure sign of church health! Both Doug and Angie have told me they want to give a video testimony before their baptism too. If I were you, I'd get to church early that day. It's sure to be packed! And if you would like to be baptized, let me know. We always have room for one more!
S'mores Praise & Bonfire. Make sure to mark 6PM on Friday, September 19th on your calendars for another great Church Requel social and spiritual event. We'll make a bonfire, devour some hot dogs and s’mores, and sing praise songs together. And here's the great news! Jack and Sheri Nichols have volunteered to host the event at their place! They live at 4565 Flowers Road in Ontario. We'll have directions for you in this weekend's program! Plan on bringing lawn chairs, hangers or spits for your marshmallows and hot dogs, and any musical instruments you want to play around the bonfire.
Feed The Hungry. Saturday evening, September 20th, will be our next opportunity as a church family to feed those in our neighborhood who could use a free meal. We need volunteers at 4pm. The meal begins at 5pm and lasts for one hour. Volunteers should plan to stay and clean up until 7pm. We also would appreciate you providing desserts for that evening. You'll find the sign-up sheet in the foyer for volunteers and desserts. I'm so proud of the way so many of you have already volunteered and signed up!
More Fall Dates. This may be the longest newsletter I've ever sent out to you, but there's just so much going on! Get these other Fall dates on your calendar too so you won't miss out on anything:
- Tuesday, Sept. 16th - Prep Team Meeting at church at 5:00 p.m. Contact Lisa Hatfield.
- Thursday, Sept. 18th - KidsMin Meeting at Tamira's home at 6:30 p.m. Contact Tamira Barnes.
- Wednesday, Sept. 24th - Greeting Team Meeting at church at 7:00 p.m. Contact Trish Trubachik
- Thursday, Sept. 25th - Worship Team Meeting at church at 6:30 p.m. Contact Brandi Walker.
- Saturday, Sept. 27th - Tech Team Donuts at church at 9:00 a.m. Contact Mark Pierce.
- Sunday, Sept. 28th - Newcomer's Pizza & Greet after church at church. Contact Mark Pierce
- Wednesday, Oct. 15th - weekly Women's Bible Study begins at Mary Kay's home at 6:30 p.m. Contact Mary Kay Pierce
- Saturday, October 25th - Church Requel Fall Festival, in parking lot, 1 - 3 p.m. Contact Tamira Barnes
- Friday evening and Saturday day, Nov. 7th & 8th, Women of Faith From Survival To Revival, at First Assembly of God. Contact Mary Kay Pierce
- Saturday, Nov. 22nd - BELONG New Members Class at church, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Contact Mark Pierce
- Sunday, Nov. 23rd - Thanksgiving Pot Luck Meal, after church at church. Contact Marci Crawford.
WOWSER! Talk about great things happening! Anyone else pumped besides me? We are hitting this Fall with all pistons firing! Let's make this our best season yet! With great affection, Pastor Mark
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