Good Friday morning Church Requel!
How God has blessed us! We are so thankful for our opportunities and our provisions. I hope you all have had a good week. It's been a productive writing week for me. I have so much to share with you today. Let's get right to it!
A MAJOR minor Christmas. This Sunday we begin our new Christmas sermon series. We will consider four minor Christmas characters and learn four MAJOR Christmas lessons. I'm so excited about these four original sermons. What makes for a "minor" Christmas character? Who exactly are they? Here's a hint. None of these four ever make the cut at any nativity scene! Hmmm. To figure out exactly who they are, you're just going to have to come to Church Requel! Don't you just love a mystery? (For our guests our worship services begin at 11am on Sunday.)
Tonight - Historic Church Tour & Christmas Time In The City. Wow! That's a mouthful. Let me tell you what's happening, in case you might be looking for something fun to do this evening. This evening Downtown Mansfield Inc. is sponsoring the "Christmas Time In The City" event. The annual Christmas tree lighting will take place at 6pm at the Richland Carrousel Park with Christmas carols, hot cocoa and cookies. There will also be carriage rides ($2 a person), a reindeer petting zoo, and photos with Santa.
Concurrent with this will be the Historic Church Tour. This also begins at 6pm at First English Lutheran Church. Every half hour the tour changes to another downtown historic church. Each church has the opportunity to tell a part of the nativity story and show off their own unique Christmas decorations. Church Requel's turn is at 6:30 pm. I'm excited to show off your beautiful decorations from last Sunday! We will be telling the nativity story from Mary's point of view. The other downtown churches include Grace Episcopal, First Christian, First United Methodist and St. John's United Church of Christ. Sounds like a most enjoyable event! Pastor Paul Lintern and I will be hosting together at our church this evening!
More About Sunday! Brandi Walker has really been pouring her soul into our Christmas celebrations for December. Want to know some inside scoop? Today I received my 6th different version of the planning sheet for this coming Sunday morning. For those of you who don't know, the planning sheet is our working document for our weekly worship plans. Brandi usually gives me a first look three weeks in advance. We make a few tweaks and then go with it. However, it seems to me like Brandi is going above and beyond this week. Every day I've heard another new idea for either this week's worship service or one of the others in December. My recommendation to you? Don't miss a single Sunday!
Brandi and Trish will be leading our worship Sunday with "Do You Hear What I Hear?" by Carrie Underwood, "I Will Follow" by Chris Tomlin and "All Because of Jesus" by Steve Fee. They also have a couple special songs to share with you: "Walk By Faith" by Jeremy Camp and "What Faith Can Do" by Kutless. (I believe I'm beginning to see a theme about faith... hmmm...)
Meanwhile Down In KidsMin. Our kiddos have been learning about courage. Last week they focused on Queen Esther. Tamira Barnes, our KidsMin director, asked them if they were a king and could make any law - what would that law be? At the right you can see King Lincoln and King Elijah trying to think about that question!
This coming Sunday our children will be learning about the angel Gabriel and his announcement to Mary. I don't know all of Tamira's plans, but I know how creative she is. And I know a video camera will be involved. Who knows? Tamira may have even booked Gabriel! If I were a kid who could be in KidsMin, I wouldn't want to miss it. That's for sure!
Speaking of Tamira, this coming Monday evening at 6:30 pm at Mansfield Christian School, she will direct the annual Christmas musical by the Independent Studies students. It's called "Christmas in Snowflake County." It's free and there will even be refreshments served afterwards. I'm planning to be there to show my support. Maybe a few of you could come too!
Thank you for your faithful support! I met with our leadership team last evening and heard a positive report from our treasurer, Nancy Roop. For the last couple of months we have run in the negative by a little more than $500 each month. That's a change in the trend, because we were positive every other month this year. Last month we prayed about it and decided to give it one more month before we said anything to you as a congregation.
Last night Nancy told us that in the month of November we had a positive cash flow of over a thousand dollars, which made up for the two negative previous months. Isn't God good? Thanks for your faithful, obedient support of Church Requel. Through the first 11 months of this year our total offerings are up $3,463.90 over the same period last year. Again - so thankful! Any of you wanting more details, just email me and I will happily provide you a full financial report.
Also let me know if any of you need help to switch over to online donation giving. About two-thirds of our monthly contributions now come from online donations. It's automatic, easy to monitor and change, and involves no obligation or cost to you.
What's next? Here's some more of the inside scoop of what's coming up at Church Requel!
- New Members Join Next Sunday. A few weeks ago we conducted our Belong Membership Class. Of the twelve people who attended, ten have made the decision to become members! Isn't that great? Next Sunday, December 14th, we will welcome Don and Stephanie Angel, Shelli Jackson, Brian Betts, Bessica Brilla, Dave and Jenny Repp, Roger and Judie Marvicson and Doug Konves as our newest members.
- Kids' Christmas Praise Team December 21st. Our children LOVE to present their Christmas songs. They will lead the way for our December 21st Sunday worship. Parents, you should talk to Brandi this week if your child would like to be involved. (And let's face it - who wouldn't?) They will be rehearsing on Thursday evening, December 18th. Parents, you might want to get this Sunday on your calendar and tell all the grandparents. As a Grandpa myself, I know how much this advance notice will be appreciated.
- Christmas Eve Service. This year we will offer one Christmas Eve worship service at 5pm. Plan to come to church first before your other family events so you might celebrate Jesus' birthday. Plan to bring a guest with you! We will finish the one-hour worship experience with a traditional candle lighting ceremony. It should be simple and special!
Wow! So many exciting things going on this time of year. I hope you are as pumped as I am. I checked in with Tamira Barnes this morning to see how she was faring with everything going on in her life. I think she says it best. "I'm ready to rock and roll!" Love it!
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7
Hope to see you all soon! With affection, Pastor Mark
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