Good Friday morning Church Requel,
We wake up this morning to the tragic news that the likely cause of the Germanwings crash was the deliberate act of a co-pilot, who also has experienced depression. Let's talk about this first, before we look forward to this coming weekend at CR.
Depression is a real mental illness. It's not a character flaw. It is not a sign of spiritual failing. Depression is a serious mental health condition that requires understanding and treatment. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, an estimated 16 million American adults - almost 7% of our population - suffered from at least one major depressive episode of depression last year. As your pastor I think it's safe to say that we have seen even more than our share of depression within our own congregation.
In my experience (the Germanwings tragedy notwithstanding), people suffering from depression pose a much greater risk to themselves than they do to others. According to, depression carries a high risk of suicide. Would you be surprised to learn (I was!) that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in our country?
Bottom line for us this morning, depression should be taken seriously by everyone. We should not shame this condition or ignore it. The stigma of admitting depression to our friends and families is very real. Can we make a pact together? Between you and me and all the others at Church Requel? Let's not be ashamed of depression. Let's talk about it. Let's share it. And most importantly, let's get help for it.
I know I am horribly biased - not to mention madly in love - with Mary Kay Pierce. That being said, we have within our congregation someone who really gets it when it comes to mental illness in general and depression in particular. She is the director of our NAMI organization in Richland County. What that means for you and me is that she is an amazing resource of connections for our families. If you or someone you love suffers from depression, I urge you to have a conversation with Mary Kay.
Beyond Mary Kay's help, also know that in our church family you always will find an open, loving, accepting family of people. We promise not to think less of you if you share your mental health condition with us. We will love you as one of our own. And speaking very personally, I will love you and even admire you more for breaking down the foolish barriers of stigma.
Neighborhood Meal Saturday. We have the privilege of being the hands and feet of Jesus tomorrow evening. When we've served these meals in the past, we have seen at least a hundred hungry souls walk through our doors - sometimes twice that many!
Sheri Nichols will lead our efforts, but she will need lots of your help! Volunteers should show up here at the church around 4pm. We begin serving the meal at 5pm. We are usually finished (walking out the door) by 6:30pm.
Will you invest two and a half hours of your time this weekend to do the good the Gospels clearly instruct us to do? (Want some motivation? Check out Matthew 25:35.) Besides willing hands and feet, we'd also welcome your desserts to give away. I hope to see many of you tomorrow evening.
Lazarus Readers Theater. We have something very special lined up for this Sunday morning at Church Requel. Nine of your fellow parishioners have volunteered to read dramatically through John chapter 11 - the story of Mary, Martha, Lazarus and Jesus. Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is filled with exciting lessons of hope for all who claim to be Christ-followers. This Sunday you will hear the story of Lazarus like you've never heard it before.
I'd like to tell you the story behind the story of Sunday's Readers Theater. Back in January, Brandi and I began talking about this Readers Theater. We thought it would a great way to bring the Scriptures to life. Brandi was tasked with the job of finding the people to read for us. For a large church, finding nine people to read might not represent much of a problem. But for a church our size? That's a big commitment.
Two weeks ago Brandi sent out a mass message on Facebook. As soon as I saw it go out I thought to myself that we had made a mistake. I've been trained not to ask a large group of people to volunteer. I've been taught to go to people one on one. Why? Because when you ask a large group at the same time, it's a lot easier for folks to assume that the other guy will do what needs to be done. Consequently few people will usually respond to a mass volunteer invite.
That may be true in other churches and other volunteer organizations, but in this case Brandi had a much better sense of our pulse than I did. I sat back in amazement as almost everyone responded. Some people responded that they'd love to read, but that they had other CR commitments that morning. Others responded that they were not comfortable reading, but they would be happy to take on the prior commitment of the first group to free them up to read. In the end almost everyone responded positively one way or another!
Once again, I am humbled to be your pastor. Once again you are teaching me how to be a leader at Church Requel. You are a good people, willing to do almost anything for the Kingdom of Christ - if only given the opportunity. Our thanks go out to Dinah, Kay, Loni, Fred, Brian, Shelli, Paula, Judie and Roger, who will read for us this Sunday.
Easter Invites. As we wrap up this week's pastoral newsletter, may I remind you that Easter is only one week away? This will be a great opportunity for us to invite family and friends to worship with us. I've seen the plans for our Easter celebration. All cylinders will be firing at Church Requel!
Tamira has amazing plans for our children that day. Many of you will be stuffing Easter eggs this Sunday afternoon. (I'm sure she has more room at the table if you want to help!) Also - everyone - remember to bring in your plastic eggs and individually wrapped candies this Sunday! I've also heard through the grapevine that our KidsMin will enjoy a scavenger hunt next Sunday to discover the real meaning of Easter. If you know a kid who won't be going to church next Sunday, invite them!
Brandi has amazing plans for our worship that day. A large praise team (including yours truly) will lead our worship singing. We'll be singing some of the greatest songs about Jesus' resurrection. It will really be a party! As it should be! Brandi has also written a special monologue for Trish Trubachik to perform. It involves a full-length mirror and is titled, "Easter Reflections." There will also be two musical specials with songs by Nichole Nordeman and the Newsboys. If you know someone who won't otherwise be going to church next Sunday, invite them!
Jesus has amazing plans for all of us that day! We celebrate not only his resurrection but the promise of our own some day. That's worth the extra effort and the special invite, don't you think? It's going to be ... well, amazing!
Love you all much! Pastor Mark