Good Friday morning Church Requel!
You are all in for such a wonderful treat Sunday morning. I happen to think that the music and praise time is always pretty special, but this Sunday it will be even more special that normal. We have a full band this Sunday with Jeff, Tamira, and Brianna Barnes along with Dan Logan and Ian Jensen. Vocals. Guitars. Drums. Keyboard. Wow! Watch out! Come prepared to worship with all your heart!
Lawyers in Heaven? Will there be attorneys in Heaven, you ask? YES! In fact the greatest one who ever lived will represent you! Imagine the court scene. You are accused of a serious crime. You know you are guilty. In fact everyone there knows you are guilty. There's no getting out of it. You need an advocate. Someone who knows the score. Someone who knows how this court works. Someone who knows the judge and the jailer. Sunday we will talk about "The Greatest Advocate!" I suggest you read 1 John 2:1-2 and, for extra credit, get a head start on Sunday's sermon notes.
Congrats Grads! Our congratulations go out to Gabe Kraft and Haleigh Trubachik. Gabe graduates from Northmor High School. Haleigh graduates from Mansfield Christian School. Both have been long term attendees at Church Requel and are a big part of our community here. We will honor them Sunday morning with a special gift. Let's make sure they know how proud we are of their accomplishment!
Potluck Picnic Saturday, June 13th. Games! Swimming! Food! Bonfire! Fun! Don't miss our first big CR event of the summer on Saturday June 13th from 5pm to 9pm at Pleasant Hill Lake Park. We will each bring some food to share (signup sheet will be at Church this Sunday). Lake swimming is available if you want. We'll play kickball and cornhole and a few other games selected by Tamara, our KidsMin Director. For those who stay, we'll enjoy a bonfire at Steve and Cindy's summer place at Pleasant Hill. Because it is a bit of a drive, we'll carpool from Church Requel at 4:30pm. Or just meet us there (3431 Ohio 95, Perrysville, Ohio 44864) . Should be a blast!
Women's Bible Study: "Brave" There are only two more ladies Bible Studies scheduled. We continue this coming Wednesday evening, June 3rd, at 6:30pm. This 7-part, weekly study is entitled, "Brave: Honest Questions Women Ask." Each week is on a different topic. If you haven't been able to come yet, you are still most welcome. Each week our ladies view a short video, in which Angela Thomas looks boldly at some of the fears and struggles of being a woman. Our ladies really have fun with food and fellowship too! Each session is here at Church Requel.
Do You Count? This is a talent that most of us have... the ability to count! We are looking for one or two people who would join our counting team. All you need (besides an ability to count) is a willingness to serve once a month and to stay about 15 minutes after the worship service on your day to serve. No one counts alone. If you're interested, contact Shelli Jackson.
We have lots more exciting things planned for this summer. I can't wait to share them all with you! Hope to see you Sunday morning at 11am! Blessings, Pastor Mark
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