Good Friday morning Church Requel!
I look forward to my Friday mornings, when I have the opportunity to write to you, our church congregants, about what is going on at Church Requel. Our summer is filled with opportunities for fun and fellowship. I've written about that a lot recently, and I have more reminders about what's happening down below.
Summertime is also an opportunity for good, solid teaching and I'd like to take advantage of today's letter to let you know about some of the helpful lesson plans I have in mind for you over the next few weeks. We are entering a period of "How To" sermons from 1st John. These talks, I believe, are vital to our congregation, just as they were to John's congregations scattered around Ephesus at the end of the first century.
How To Be Protected From Deception. Both the Apostle John and Jesus Himself talked about the deception that Christians would be facing in the last days. What did they mean by "last days?" What kind of deception were they talking about? Is this something with which we need to be concerned?
In my opinion, our orthodox Christian faith has never been more under attack. Never have we been more susceptible to deception! Deception is NOT obvious. It looks like Christianity. It sounds like it. It almost is. Often it has the appearance of success. How can we know? How do we protect ourselves from being taken in by people who themselves are deceived? This Sunday we open our Bibles to 1 John 2:18-27 and learn 4 ways to be protected from deception.
How To Live D.E.E.P. Next Sunday, July 19th, we'll talk about shallow Christianity. One of the biggest reasons why deception about Christianity is so rampant is that many Christians have never been more shallow in their faith. I don't want this to be true about you! We will learn that God is deep and His Name will keep! There is great joy and assurance in living deep in God's Name. We'll talk about how to live deep using the D.E.E.P. acronym. I'm particularly excited about this talk. You'll discover that it covers exactly the same Bible passage of 1 John 2:18-27. There's just so much good stuff here! This particular talk I wrote in collaboration with my brother, Todd, who will be speaking to us at the end of August.
How To Be Ready For Christ's Return. Our last July teaching on the 26th will focus on the second coming of Jesus, so clearly talked about throughout the New Testament. The apostle gives us some specific "how-to's" in his 1 John 2:28-3:3 letter. He tells us to be R.E.A.D.Y. as a C.H.I.L.D. of God. Yes, we will work our way through a double acronym and, I hope, be greatly encouraged along the way.
How To Battle Temptation. On Sunday, August 2nd, we'll talk about the very real issue of sin in the Christian's life - living in a way that does not please our Lord by either our actions against His will or our failure to act as He would desire. We'll take a page out of St. Augustine's book, written 1600 years ago, and learn that - for the Christ-follower - to sin or not to sin is a choice. How do we make the right choices? We'll study 1 John 3:4-10 along with 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 to discover 4 questions to ask ourselves when we are tempted. This talk was developed over many walks with Mary Kay this summer. She helped me immensely to be able to clearly explain St. Augustine's valuable lessons.
How To Know A Real Christian. What are the marks of a true Christian? How can you tell? In addition to studying 1 John 3:11-18 on August 9th, we'll also look closely at the marks of Cain in Genesis 4 as a comparison. One of the things we'll dig deeply into is the issue of persecution. I know that many would prefer to hear the more popular health and wealth teachings, and clearly I believe our lives are infinitely and eternally better as a result of our commitment to Christ. However, Jesus himself attests to the difficulties Christians will face, because of their commitment to Christ.
How To Be Assured That I Am A Christ-follower. Just one more "coming soon" talk in this email newsletter... how can I know for sure I really am a Christian? So many in our church today struggle with this question. I know it because I hear your struggles. Up on the mountain one day, down in the valley the next. We're going to focus on 1 John 3:19-24. We're also going to learn some real life lessons from this 50-year follower of Christ as we talk about 6 ways to be sure. I don't want you to live with doubt about this important issue, so I hope you'll make sure to come to CR on August 16th.
Do you see why I am so passionate about you all coming each and every week to Church Requel this summer? We are teaching some important, life-critical lessons about your Christian faith. We are getting practical and personal. I hope you won't miss a single one. I don't think I've ever worked so much in preparing for you. I believe it's going to be worth it. I believe you will come out the other side of summer with a hope and with a confidence in your Christian faith like you've never had before!
Other Plans For This Sunday. Of course our worship each week is much more than just the preacher preaching! I had the great privilege last night to be the "sound guy" for our praise team rehearsal for this coming Sunday morning. We are so blessed to have Jeff and Tamira Barnes back again this Sunday in worship leadership roles. Joining them on the drums will be Dan Logan, just back at 2am yesterday from Jamaica, and Dave Hill on the guitar. This is really a dedicated group! You will be so blessed by their worship leadership on Sunday.
Brandi Walker should be back Sunday morning as well from her family's trip down to Walt Disney World. We are looking forward to that 25% jump in attendance as the Walker clan and friends return along with Dan and DeeDee Logan. Brandi will be leading our prayer and communion time together. Finally, we just never know about that Nancy Roop and her announcements. By the way, did you know that TODAY is Nancy's birthday? (Did I ask permission to share that little factoid with you? No. I'd rather share first and ask forgiveness later! Ha ha!)
KidsMin will continue their Weird Animals summer learning fun this Sunday. I was talking to Tamira this past Wednesday about this special, VBS-style lesson planning for our children. She told me two things that really excite me and I think will pump you up too. #1 - the kiddos are really engaged. There are so many creative opportunities to learn! #2 - the kiddos are getting it! More than any other time in our history, our children are able to tell what they've learned even several days afterwards.
Just like the weird animals, some of our kids feel like they are different and sometimes feel left out. They are learning that Jesus loves them just like they are and so they can actually celebrate their uniquenesses. If you have a child in your life, make sure to get them here this Sunday morning as "Weird Animals" continues.
Neighborhood Meal on July 18th. We'll be serving up meals to our neighbors one week from this Saturday. It's always such a great privilege to work together to be Jesus' hands and feet to our community. So get this date and time on your schedule now. Volunteers should show up by 4pm and plan to serve until 6:30pm. Also bringing a dessert with you is helpful too! I took this picture the last time. Don't you just LOVE the yellow hats?
Indians Baseball Game on August 7th. It's not too late to sign up to join the crew driving up to Cleveland to watch the Tribe take on the Twins. The game starts at 7:10pm and includes $1 hotdogs and fireworks at the end of the night game. Signup in the lobby. Talk to Brandi for more details.
Rummage Sale August 14th and 15th. Church Requel will be participating in the Lincoln Highway Sale this year on August 14th and 15th here at the church. Now is a great time to clean out your attics and basements and donate to our sale. If you could work the sale, there is a signup in the lobby. All proceeds of the rummage sale will go to a special fund to help families in the community and here at Church Requel. If you have questions, please contact Sheri Nichols or Stephenie Angel.
Ok, this may be the single longest letter I have ever written on a Friday morning. If you made it through this far, you definitely deserve a gold star! Seriously, I am passionate about our church and love each and every one of you. Let's make the rest of our summer together something truly special! With greatest affections, Pastor Mark.
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