Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Have you ever been happy to admit that you were wrong? I know it must be rare. There are times we're wrong, but don't want to admit it. There are times we really don't think we're wrong, but happy to say we are wrong to keep the peace. But to be wrong and know it and glad to say it? I don't think that happens very often.
When it came to allowing Ireland to join the Pierce family in April 2005, I know I was wrong. And I'm happy to admit it.
My 17-year old daughter, Jessica, found Ireland at the Dog Shelter and immediately wanted to adopt him. For weeks I told her "no." A year earlier I watched Jessica and the rest of our family say goodbye to another pet, Blackie, after 15 years of lots of love. I didn't want Jessica to go through that kind of pain again and so, in typical Dad fashion, "no" seemed like the best answer.
Eventually I changed my mind. Ireland joined our family and has been a faithful companion to Jessica and to Dave. Ireland brought great joy to all of us, including me. Yesterday we all said goodbye to Ireland. It's a sad time for the Pierce and Johnson families.
I love my granddaughter Violet's prayer last evening: "And Lord, say hello to Ireland for us!" We're sure going to miss him.
MCS Image Sings This Sunday! We have a special Sunday planned for this weekend. We have invited Mansfield Christian School's ensemble and ministry team, Image, to lead our worship service this Sunday morning at 11am.
This year's program focuses upon God's Guidance and is based on Psalm 23. They will sing and play music for us. They will perform a couple of skits. I promise you this will be a great experience for them and for you! Let's be great hosts!
Potluck Meal Afterward. We will continue our celebration downstairs with a potluck meal. The church has purchased a couple of hams. (Thank you Sheri!) We will also provide drinks and paper products. We are asking you to bring all the rest. Families bring a couple of dishes to share, either casseroles, sides, or desserts. Single folks please bring one dish.
Let's bring more than enough so that the MCS students and their supporting families might enjoy the lunch with us as well. They have a second performance at another church Sunday evening. They really appreciate your support. We will also be collecting a special love offering to support their ministry.
Women's Bible Study Begins Wednesday. The study books have arrived! I know many of you ladies have been looking forward to this study for a long time. We've had the best sign-up ever! But it's not too late to join in the fun.
This study comes from the award-winning creators of Fireproof and Courageous movies. They created a third film named, War Room, a compelling drama with humor and heart that explores the power that prayer can have on marriages, parenting, careers, friendships, and every other area of our lives.
The study will take place Wednesday evenings beginning next week at 6:30 each week. You will meet at Mary Kay Pierce's home. The study guides are available at church this Sunday for $8 each. See Mary Kay Pierce or Jan Calendine, both of who will be leading the study.
Let's keep praying! And not just because we have a study about prayer. The truth is this study is so timely because our church families have so much to be praying about. We continue to pray for David's, Stephenie's and Mari's recoveries. We know it's also been a tough week for Jack.
Mary Kay and I were talking last night about these and other prayer requests. There are times when the prayer needs appear overwhelming to us - yes, even and maybe especially to us - your pastor's family. Yet these are the very times when we most rely upon God's never ending strength.
Love you all much! Hope to see you Sunday. Pastor Mark
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