Good Friday morning Church Requel!
What an amazing week! Eleven of us showed up last Monday to load up the truck with clean bottles of water headed up to Flint, Michigan. It was quite the party! Kudos to Ed Walker and Dayton Freight for making this possible. Kudos to all of you for providing the water. Your generosity even made the Wednesday morning news on WMAN. To God be the glory!
Just another reason to attend CR... Did you realize that by attending Church Requel, you are becoming a much more informed voter for the upcoming presidential election? I'm not suggesting that we are changing our topics to talk about politics. Rather, this week our presidential politics changed topics to talk about what we talk about every week!
"What does it mean to be a Christian?"
"What do the gospels say about Christians anyway?"
Could there be any time better to attend Church Requel? Could there be any time to be studying the Gospel of Luke? I hope you haven't missed a single talk, but if you have missed, you can always get caught up!
Sign Up For The Resurrection Breakfast! Jim Tressel will be the featured speaker at this year's 29th annual Resurrection Breakfast to be held at the Mid-Ohio Conference Center on Saturday, March 26th at 8:30am. That's the day before Easter. EASTER! Yes this year, Easter comes early - the last Sunday in March. With Coach Tressel coming to Mansfield, this year's Resurrection Breakfast is expected to sell out, so I'm getting this news out to you all early.
We will have a sign-up sheet in the lobby for the next two Sundays. I hope to get our ticket order in by the beginning of March. The cost for the breakfast will be $15, an incredibly reasonable cost in my opinion.
(Don't let the cost hold you back. If you really can't afford to go I know there would be people in our church who would love to help you anonymously. Just come see me. If you happen to be one who would like to help out a fellow Church Requeler go to the breakfast, also please let me know.)
In addition to Coach Tressel speaking, special music will be provided by the Colonial City Quartet. It should be a fabulous morning. What a great opportunity to invite family and friends! Every year we see people make initial commitments to follow Christ at these breakfasts. The time to be thinking about this is NOW! It will be too late the week before.
One more thing... this is not a men's only event any longer. Ladies, you are most welcome to come too! Would you like a flyer for the event to give to your family and friends? Download it here and print it out.
Church Requel to Host Brown Bag Lunch! I thought you might like to know that next Thursday we will be hosting local evangelical pastors for their monthly luncheon here at Church Requel. Each month two to three dozen pastors gather together at different local churches for mutual encouragement and support. I have tried to attend most of them.
We call them "brown bag lunches" because we all pack our own lunch when we come. It's been great for me to see so many of the other churches in Mansfield. And I have enjoyed the camaraderie and suggestions of other pastors who share a similar calling.
The last time we hosted was right after Church Requel got started here at the Point of Grace. We were just getting everything setup back then so I'm eager for my fellow pastors to see how far we've come!
Here's what's happening this Sunday... We will be changing a few things around as far as the order of our worship is concerned. Nancy will share a few announcements right up front followed by one worship song. After a greeting time we'll hear the Scripture read and then go right into the sermon.
This week's talk, "Sabbath Satire," will be focused on Luke 6:1-11. We'll learn the meaning of Sabbath and what Jesus had in mind for it. This will be followed by 4 worship songs led by Brandi, Trish and Brian, followed by communion and prayer.
I love how Brandi keeps our worship experience fresh each week, don't you?
Our children will continue the new Everest series they kicked off last week. They are learning how to conquer life's challenges. I love it! Last week they learned that God has the power to provide. They learned about the prophet Elijah and how God took care of providing food and water. The kiddos made a brook and flew around like the ravens that brought food to Elijah.
To bring the point home, our children brought snow seeds home with them. Snow seeds expand when water is added and grow into something more. Don't you love their creativity?
My daughter Jennifer will be teaching this week that God has the power to comfort. I wonder what experiential learning she might have in mind? Don't let your children miss out a single special week of this series!
Keep these dates in mind too...
Women's Bible Study - each Wednesday evening at the Pierce home from 6:30 to 8:30. They are studying about prayer, otherwise known as The War Room
Minute To Win It Game Night - Saturday night, March 5th from 6pm to 9pm. Food! Fellowship! Fun! Watch for more details to follow.
Children Lead Worship - March 6th. I've seen the planning sheet. MANY children will be involved. You won't want to miss a moment. I'm just saying.
Neighborhood Meal - Saturday night, March 12th. Help us feed our neighbors. Volunteers show up at 4pm. We start feeding folks at 5pm.
I never cease to be amazed when I sit down to write these newsletters just how many good things are going on within our church. I love it!!!
Pray! Pray! Pray! Keep in mind all those who are struggling within our church family. David and Doug are still recovering from serious illnesses in local nursing facilities. Loni and Mari are still recovering at home. Mary Kay's niece's husband Patrick is recovering from bone cancer surgery last week. Tamara's daughter, Alyssa, is suffering from seizures and headaches. Trish still is suffering with back issues. Jan and Ron's great grandson, Braydon, is recovering from an accident.
There are also quite a few family relationship struggles for members of our congregation. We don't need to mention all the details, but we are certain our Lord knows them when you pray about them.
Please remain faithful in praying for your church family. Please remain faithful to pray for me too. And please pray that God would continue to bless our church ministry. Love you all much! - Pastor Mark
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