Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Before we talk about our plans for this weekend, we need to review God's wonderful work from last weekend. We planned for a fantastic Mothers Day with a special video, Mothers Day posters all over the walls, and special crafty gifts for the moms all created by our own children. With the kiddos also involved in almost every aspect of our worship, it was a totally awesome experience.
God had even greater plans in mind for us. In addition to the many family guests showing up at Church Requel, we also had an abused mom walk several miles to our front steps. She was carrying everything she owned in a rolling suitcase and a white trash bag. She wasn't intending to come to our church or any church - she just wanted to escape. She wrote down her story on a prayer request card and asked that we share it with the congregation.
"After getting out of the hospital... my son passed away. He was stillborn. I have been in an abusive relationship for 11 years, since I was 16... He was 31... after a broken jaw, nose & tail bone and him not even showing up at the hospital... I've finally left. But I had to leave my kids behind... on Mothers Day. I just can't take it anymore. Have you ever been so sick and tired of being sick and tired... 2 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2 type A... And by God's Grace I beat it. But without [Name left out] I'm nothing. I'm no one. He has me so isolated, scared, alone. I don't have any family or friends. But when I look at my 4 beautiful little girls, I cry and feel like a failure because they deserve so much more than what they have seen. So I left!"
When this young lady showed up at our church and asked for a pastor, my son came running downstairs to find me. I came up the stairs to find this young lady surrounded by many of you. You invited her in to our worship. You told her you would provide her transportation. You offered her food. You gave her the number of the women's shelter. You gave her a telephone to make the call. You surrounded her with love and prayer and concern.
I've never been more certain of God's calling upon our church than I was in that moment.
I wish I could give you more of a follow up than is possible for me to do. We know that she had a bed provided to her from the shelter. We know she called Roger and told him that she had a ride to the shelter. Mary and I followed up with the shelter and provided our contact information and offered any help needed from the church. However, understandably, the shelter cannot even confirm that this young mom even made it to the shelter and we have not yet heard back from her ourselves.
What we can do - and what I ask you to do without fail - is to pray for her. Pray that she and her children find the help and the support they desperately need. And pray that if she does seek our help that we will be both wise and able to provide just the right help that God would want us to provide.
Pray also that God would continue to reveal his plans for us. Clearly it is no accident that God has provided us this downtown location. We need merely continue to obey and show up and see what God will do in our midst. Pray too that I will be the leader He needs me to be so that together we might follow God's leading.
Saturday Night Meal. We have another opportunity to be Jesus' hands and feet this Saturday evening (tomorrow night) as we serve over a hundred free, hot meals to those within our community who need them. If you'd like to volunteer to helps us out, show up at 4pm to prepare everything. This is an easy first serve. No experience necessary. Just show up and we will point the way! We begin serving meals at 5pm. We are usually finished with the work by 6:30pm. Also, if you are feeling especially generous, please bring a dessert to share.
Sunday Morning Worship. We do have a special time of worship planned for Sunday. Brandi, Trish, Missie, Chris and Tamara will lead our praise and singing time. We plan to sing songs you all know so well: "Everlasting God," "Man Of Sorrows," "There Is Power," and "You Are Good." Nancy and Sheri will talk to us about upcoming ministry opportunities. Sheri will update us on some of the exciting ways our new food pantry is being used to get food into the hands of those who need it. I can vouch for what's happening here - I saw a young man leave last Sunday with his knapsack filled with food he wouldn't otherwise have had.
We will continue our sermon series from the Gospel of Luke with a focus on Luke 8:1-3. We will learn just how different Jesus was in his attitude toward women in his ministry. I've been preparing for several weeks for this particular talk and am looking forward to sharing it. Some of you undoubtedly will wonder why this seems like such a big deal, because women have been so involved for so long at Church Requel. Historically women have not always been treated well both before the church and even within church history. I hope we will discover together on Sunday that this is not what Christ had in mind.
Sunday KidsMin. Karen and Bethany will be working with our Kidsmin children. Their goal will be to help kids understand that God wants them to be thankful and faithful in all circumstances, rather than comparing what they have to what someone else has. They will be talking about jealously and looking at the story of King Saul becoming jealous of David. To put it into terms your kiddos will be excited about: What do drinking straws, a green eyed monster, water, juice and the Bible have in common? Come to Kidsmin Sunday to find out!
Membership Class - May 22nd. We are happy to report that our 2016 Belong Class is off to a rousing start. Our next class is scheduled for next Sunday evening May 22nd at 6pm. Encourage the following parishioners in their membership journey - Anna Scott, Amy Watson, Aaron Parsons, Chris Thoman, Tamara Engstrom, Jan Calendine, Ron Bolesky, Ken & Karen Jacob, Tamira Barnes, Ed & Paula Walker, and Fred & Susie Wiegand. I hope you all plan to come back for our second session. I so enjoyed the first one with you!
Men’s Chorus May 29th! We’re excited about this month having 5 Sundays! Brandi welcomes all of our singing men to be a part of a very special men’s chorus on May 29th. If you’re a guy and you like to sing, make sure to ask Brandi for a music packet so you can participate! So far we have 5 guys who have signed up. I am certain we can do so much better than that! Last time we did this we filled the front of the church with men. Talk to Brandi and she'll tell you all about the exciting music she has selected.
Community Night Of Worship. Mark down Tuesday, June 21st at 7pm on your calendar! That’s the night we join with several other churches for a community night of worship, led by local worship leaders including our own Brandi Walker. This event will take place at Crossroads Community Church. Let’s worship together with other brothers and sisters in Christ!
More Prayer Requests. Keep praying for Rosie. Many of you asked God on her behalf for a new job. Good news! She got one! Now let's pray it works out really well for her.
Also pray for Damien Betts (pictured on the right). He graduated this week from North Central State College. May he be blessed as he seeks the next phase of his life.
Finally, pray for our own DeeDee Logan. She lost her brother this week. She is asking that we pray specifically for her brother's two children, Briauna and Bradlee Barton, as they cope with the loss of their dad. DeeDee prays they can move forward and that healing and peace can prevail in their hearts through God's love. DeeDee, we join you in that prayer!
The newsletter is longer than usual. But then the things God has been accomplishing lately are anything but usual, right? So let's keep praying. Let's keep showing up. Let's keep doing whatever we can - together - to see God's will accomplished in our Church Requel. I love partnering with you in ministry!
Love you all much! Pastor Mark
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