Good Friday morning Church Requel!
We are excited about the new photo directory project being led by Ron and Roger over the next two weekends. (And we appreciate Ron sending over this picture of him with his photography equipment. Ha!)
Seriously, this is a great idea. Your pictures will be placed into a printed photo directory, which we will distribute later this year. This will give you the opportunity to put a name to a face.
You may get your picture taken before or after the worship service at Church Requel over the next two weekends. Ron will be read to take pictures by 9:30 each Sunday and will stay as long as necessary after each worship service.
Roger will use his talents to organize the photos and accompanying information into a printed directory. I love that these two men (and their wives) saw a need within the church and took it upon themselves to do something about it. Thanks Roger and Ron!!!
Fifth Weekend Praise Team! I'm excited for another reason. This Sunday we will celebrate with a different praise team than has ever worked together before. Here is who is leading this weekend: Amy Watson, Fred Wiegand, Aaron Parson, Brian & Emma Betts, Chris Thoman, Tamara Engstrom and yours truly! I think we will use every microphone we own this weekend.
Woe Is Me! We come to a section of Luke commonly called the "Woes" passage, where Jesus is highly critical of the religious leaders of his day. I've titled the sermon, "What Really Ticks Jesus Off." Seriously, these are six thing you really don't want to do as a Christ-follower.
Children Continue Their Preparations. Our children are preparing for our Christmas program on December 11th. Also our KidsMin kiddos (K - 4th grade) are preparing to lead worship on November 6th. Parents - thank you so much for your support. We think you'll love watching your children in worship on both days.
Chili Cookoff and Movie Night, Friday, Nov. 4th at 6pm. We are offering a new event on Friday, November 4th - a chili cookout and movie night at the church. Put together your finest chili recipe and bring it. Everybody who comes can also judge their favorite chili. We'll also offer a few fun games for the entire family. Then we'll enjoy a double movie night with 2 different movies - one for the kiddos downstairs and another for the adults upstairs.
Here are the movies. The adults upstairs will watch Luther, starring Joseph Fiennes in the lead role. This 2003 movie has had a profound impact upon my life ministry and I'm really excited to share it with you. Since we worship in a church that was founded originally as a Lutheran church, doesn't it make sense we should know some history about what "Lutheran" means?
Meanwhile, the children downstairs will watch Zootopia, another great flick with a ton of positive influences for our youngsters. We'll also make some popcorn for the big kids and small kids alike. Should be a lot of fun!
Neighborhood Meal - Saturday, November 12th. Our turn to provide a free, heal meal to our neighbors is coming up on November 12th. Thank you Sheri for leading our ministry team so well. Volunteers should show up by 4pm. We begin serving meals at 5pm. We usually have everything cleaned up and are going home by 6:30. Bring desserts to share if you can.
Christmas Decoration Sunday - November 27th. If you are able and want to enjoy the company of your CR friends - stick around after church on Sunday, November 27th. We will take out all the Christmas decorations and set them up. With many decorative hands the job goes quickly. Paul will make all his manger scenes available for our children to set up around the church. They usually love to do this - a fun activity for the entire family!
Children's Christmas Program and Potluck - December 11th. I know I already mentioned this earlier in the letter, but so many great things will be happening on this day. Almost all of our children will be involved in one way or another. Lots of singing. Lots of special lines. I also understand they will be making a special movie for that day. We even have children using their art skills to help tell the story of Jesus' birth in a creative way. You definitely want to be at church on the second Sunday in December.
We will also celebrate with a special holiday meal downstairs after the children's program. One thing I know about Church Requel - you surely do love your potluck meals! What a great day this promises to be!
Don't we have a great time together? I love doing life with all of you! Love you all much! Pastor Mark
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