Good Friday morning Church Requel!
I surely have thought a lot about you this week. I know that may sound obvious for any pastor to say about his church. However, pastors are just like everyone else in many respects. They can get so wrapped up in their day-to-day tasks that they don't think about the big picture as much as you'd think.
This week, though, I've been preparing for Sunday's sermon, which centers around Jesus' parables about the mustard seed and the yeast in Luke 13:18-21. (I considered titling this week's post "Yeast Infected Church," but decorum and wisdom ruled the day.) As I have studied this week, I have thought often that we are a mustard seed kind of church.
We are small and powerful!
Do you find it fascinating that when asked about the Kingdom of God, Jesus - the author of creation - chose the mustard seed for his simile? He could have chosen so many other comparisons, but he said the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. Wow! In our day of large-equals-successful and larger-equals-even-more-successful, I find comfort in Jesus' mustard seed.
Of course there's nothing wrong with large. And there's also nothing wrong with small! If we really think about what Jesus was saying - and I hope you will do exactly that between now and Sunday - we walk away thinking that size really matters very little.
It's what's inside that counts!
I am blessed with the privilege of pastoring a small church. We are close to one another. We know one another. We work closely with one another. We enjoy being with one another. We are family to one another. We serve the world with one another. We serve one another... with one another!
I've never been part of any church that has more involvement than our beloved Church Requel. More people are actively engaged in ministry at CR - as a percentage of attendees - than any other church I know about. Think about it for a moment. Pick any person who attends and you can immediately think of one ministry - at the least - in which they participate. Most people are involved in two or more ministries!
Most of my professional life I've heard that 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. Not so in a mustard seed church. You all break all the rules when it comes to involvement. And it's not like we don't do much. Things happen all the time around here. Most of the good ideas for what we do come from you and not from me! I'm just trying to keep up!
The reason I take so much of our week's newsletter to write you about this is that I want you to know that I appreciate you. I also want you to appreciate you. Seriously. We don't know how good we have it. We are a part of a family with love at the core of everything we do. In action. Not just in words. Nevertheless a word reminder of our mission:
To be a community loving God and loving people.
It's one thing to write down those nine words when founding a church. Hope springs eternal in those early days. It's another thing entirely to watch that mission unfold into reality over years of great experience.
I've watched you as you have cried over one another's disappointments. I've watched as you've prayed for one another's illnesses. I've watched as you celebrate God's love for us each and every week. I've watched as you have shown up - time and time again - to sacrificially serve the world with God's love. You simply do not quit.
Do we have problems? Surely we do. We are human beings, after all. Born with selfishness at our cores. But we face these problems. Together. We overcome selfishness with love. Together. We choose to work through conflicts. We choose to see the other person's viewpoint. We choose to accept each other. Because together is better.
A Mustard Seed Church is like Heaven on Earth.
If you are like me, at this point in our love letter journey, you are appreciating just how good we have it. Finding lasting love in this world is a special and rare thing. So let's not mess it up. Let's keep things just exactly as they are. Let's just keep this good thing going... for ourselves.
Isn't it amazing how quickly selfishness can even attack our love? Selfishness never quits either. It would even take over our love, if it could. But it can't - if you don't let it. Your love is stronger.
The thing about a mustard seed church is that it can't help but grow. Because of what's inside it. We have the gospel of Jesus' love within us - and that overpowers our fear of losing intimacy when the church adds new people.
New people come into the mustard seed church all the time. Some of them even stick around. You know why? Because they want the same Love that you want. They seek the same togetherness and intimacy that you seek. They know a good thing when they see it and want that good thing for themselves too.
Ultimately we conclude that all this wonderful family feeling isn't really all about us. It's all about God and what He wants. So what does God want?
People matter to God, so then people better matter to us too!
How much does God love us? So much that He gave His only Son for each of us... and for all of us. All of us includes more than all of US. (Think about it.)
I believe that just like the smallest mustard seed, when planted, can't help but grow into a tree so large that it can even hold up the birds, our smallness can't stay small forever. Not if our love outwards is as strong as our love inwards.
So serve with passion. Worship with passion. Love with passion. This weekend as you come to the church Saturday evening to serve meals to our hungry neighborhood, come thinking about this special Love we have to share. We really do become Jesus' hands and feet as we bake those desserts, as we pass out a warm meal, as we clean up afterwards.
"Let's not tire of doing good." Galatians 6:9 provides pretty good advice. It also comes with a promise: "At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."
I used to think that this "right time" was the time of Jesus' return. Well, 'dat too is still 'dat true! But don't we reap a harvest of blessing every time we gather to love and to serve? Talk about your cake and eat it too!?!
This Sunday, when you come to church to worship, raise your hands and your heart in God's love embrace. Know that He has granted us His special favor in so many ways. Not the least of which is His gift of Church Requel to us.
Mustard seed? You bet! Small. Powerful. Flavorful. Not easily dismissed.
Thank you for your love... and God's love. I love you all more than you'll ever know!
Pastor Mark
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