Good Friday morning Church Requel!
It's great to be back writing to you on Friday morning from my dining room. I look out my window and can think of each one of you - praying for many of you as I consider your specific needs. We are an interdependent church! Not independent... none of us can go it alone. Not dependent entirely either. Interdependent! Dependent fully upon God and upon one another, yet also - through God's strength - providing support and love to one another.
Sermon This Sunday: "The Good, The Bad & The Snuggly." All of which leads me to our topic for Sunday from Luke 8:9-17. I have really enjoyed my prep time for this week's talk. I had lots of questions as I studied...
When is right living wrong? How can wrong living be turned right? Shouldn’t we live the best life we can? How are we as an imperfect people “just” before a perfect God? Does God grade on a scale, assuming none of us can live up to his standards? And what could living as children possibly have to do with all of these questions?
We’ll do our best to answer all these questions. Maybe you could be thinking about this passage too between now and Sunday. If you do study these verses, think about one more question: Why did Luke place the story of Jesus and the children immediately after the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector? I see a connection. Do you?
Speaking of children... This Sunday will be the first Sunday of the month and that means our children will be very much involved in our worship plans. As you can see from the photo on the left, Leia Walker will be joining her mom, Brandi, and Grandma Cindy in leading our worship singing. I loved watching Leia in rehearsal last night. Even while practicing Leia raises her hand in praise to our Lord Jesus!
Lincoln Pierce will be delivering our announcements this Sunday. As his grandpa I can tell you that he is very excited about this and has been practicing!
Lincoln's brothers, Grayden and Cohen, will be serving behind the scenes alongside their dad, Jonathan, in the tech booth.
Anna Scott has prepared to play her flute during our offertory! Doesn't that sound super special?
Thanks to all the parents who have worked with their children - making it possible for them to participate each month in our worship. Thanks also to Brandi Walker, who works a little "above and beyond" to schedule our children and give them a positive church experience.
This Sunday - AFTER the sermon - we'll invite ALL the children to come up front with Pastor Mark to talk about "The Good, The Bad & The Snuggly." Let's find out together what learned!
Thanks Cindy! And while I'm thanking people - I need to extend a special "thank-you" to Cindy Lou Thoman, who is such a vital part of our congregation. It's been just over a year since she experienced God's calling to teach our young teens every week. As the grandfather of a teenager in our church, I really appreciate the special attention our kiddos receive from her.
On the first Sunday of the month, when she's not teaching, Cindy sings on the praise team. The photo on the right is the evidence of her work on leading the worship music just right! In case you think getting up front and leading the music doesn't take lots of effort - read all of her notes she has on just one song! Thanks Cindy for your dedication!
Coming Up - Splash Park on July 8th! One week from tomorrow we will gather together up at the Kroc Center Splash Park located at the YMCA - 527 East Liberty Street in Ashland. This will be our third or fourth year to go up for some water fun. If you like to enjoy a special time with your Church Requel friends, you won't want to miss this!
So what happens? We have rented a super-duper nice pavilion close to all the water (but far enough away that you won't get wet if you don't want.) Our young children need no prompting! They can't wait to get to the water fun. But if you're older and you're not interested in "wet," - no worries! You can just hang out.
We will bring a speaker and jam some Beach Boy music. You can bring a lawn chair if you want something more comfortable than a picnic table at which to sit. Or you can bring a beach towel if you want to soak up some of the sun's rays. The lawn up at the Kroc Center is always beautiful and immaculate. Everyone should bring a sack lunch and something to drink.
This is a great event for the entire church family - old and young alike! If you have young children in your home or in your neighborhood or you have grandchildren - what a great opportunity for very little expense! If you're just young at heart with no youngsters nearby (and you all are - I know!) then just come and hang out with your church family. We meet at 11am and we depart a mere two hours later, ready for our afternoon siestas!
Even If... Finally - a note to all who are struggling right now. Struggling with physical issues. Struggling with relationships. Struggling with finances. Struggling with hope and faith. Be encouraged. God is with you, even when you cannot feel Him or know He's there.
Last night during our rehearsal, Cindy and Brandi practiced a new song by MercyMe called "Even If." The lyrics were so affirming:
It's easy to sing
When there's nothing to bring me down
But what will I say
When I'm held to the flame
Like I am right now
I know You're able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone
Coming back to the topic at the top of this letter, no one can do this alone. You are not alone. You are part of a church family that loves and cares for you. Even better, you are loved by a Heavenly Father Who will never forsake you. When you are not able, know that God can. Our hope is in Him alone.
Love you all much! Hope to see you Sunday morning! - Pastor Mark
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