Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Mary Kay and I are back from our Myrtle Beach vacation. We had a wonderful time with our family. Dad and Julie, Jessica and Dave, Jillian and Tim and their boys... what a blessed two weeks together! Thank you for giving us an opportunity to get away from it all for awhile to reflect and restore. It was much needed and greatly appreciated!
While we were gone... Didn't my brother, Todd, do a great job for you all? We have been so thrilled with his sermons. How wonderful! Meaningful! And filled with GREAT QUESTIONS!
I know some of you did not get to hear both of his sermons. So we have uploaded them for you to watch, watch again, and to share. I really do believe that God not only provided a break for me, but also had in mind a couple of great talks for you - to be inspired to ask some deeper questions of your faith in Christ. So please watch and share!
You can watch them on Facebook or on our website. We also have published each on YouTube - because that is the way most people watch videos today. Here are the YouTube links for your benefit:
Sermon #1 - "Kingdom Jeopardy" also involve Chris Thoman, Judie Marvicsin and Eddie Walker in a Bible Jeopardy game. Well played!
Sermon #2 - "The More Beautiful Question" - Todd invites you to ask beautiful questions of God, questions that lead to more questions and a deeper character of Christ in your life.
By the way - we have enjoyed more online views of both the LIVE webcast and on-demand sermon replays these past two weeks than ever before. In fact we have crossed a significant number as more people have watched us online than those who are attending on Sundays! Wow! We will continue to reach people for Christ in whatever way He provides!
Housewarming Party at Walkers. I love parties, don't you? How delightful that our first weekend back we have the opportunity to party together with all of you.
Eddie and Brandi and their family moved into their new home this past summer. It's much closer to the school where Eddie works and where their children attend, so it's great for all those after school activities. They have also recently finished the new bedroom remodel for Kailey.
The party begins at 5pm and lasts until 9pm. We have put their new address in our weekly bulletins and, if you're their friend on Facebook, the address is also on the Event page. But if you still need it - no problem! Just email Brandi.
They plan to have a big bonfire. There will be hot dogs, chips, drinks and Smores over the fire! They will have cornhole set up so you can play. You can come and stay the whole time or just pop in and visit for little bit. Easy Peasy!
Some of you have asked what they still might need for their home? Honestly, Brandi says, no one needs to get them anything at all. But in case you are still insisting on warming them with a present as well as your presence, a gift card to Menards (or a store like that) would be the best possible option.
Featured Artist This Sunday - Our worship team has chosen music by Danny Gokey, an American singer and former church music director from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Danny was also the third-place finalist on the eighth season of American Idol.
Danny says about his music...”I want to be a positive voice, a voice that connects, a voice that unifies, a voice that finds common ground. I’ve experienced hopelessness and loss. I’ve experienced having nothing — and now, having things in my life that I love so deeply I believe that my story has purpose.” That purpose for him, and for all who open themselves to Danny Gokey's music will be a great blessing for us this Sunday. Don't miss it!
Kids & Christmas. Our kids Christmas program, “Super Christmas,” will be presented on December 17th. (That's less than 2 months away - can you believe it?) Why are we mentioning this now? There is a good reason - The kids already know their roles as super heroes and now they need costumes. We’d like to suggest to our parents that you look for costumes to go on sale after Halloween. OR possibly you might want to buy their super hero costume NOW to use both for Halloween AND for the Christmas program. See how we're looking out for you? We thank Tamara Engstrom for planing ahead and working with our kids for this special presentation.
We Want Your Input. Since we're thinking about Christmas anyway, I thought I might mention to you that Christmas Eve is on Sunday this year. As we make plans for our church service that day we would like your thoughts.
Would you prefer to attend a Christmas Eve candlelight service at our regular 11:00 AM time OR at 5:00 PM?
In this week's printed bulletin we will include a short survey form so that you may express your preference. Please fill out the short survey below and tear it off and put it into one of the baskets on the communion tables. We’ll let you know what the majority prefer after we've collected this for a couple weeks.
Let's keep praying! Loni, Jenny, Jack, Aimee, and Mari never stray far from our thoughts and prayers. Thank you all for your prayers for Mary Kay and me. Believe me - pastors need your prayers more than you'd ever imagine! Love you all much. Hope to see you soon. Pastor Mark