Good Friday morning Church Requel!
You are in for such a treat this Sunday! My brother, Todd, will be filling in for me at Church Requel. He is such a wonderful preacher!
A few years ago I asked my Dad about the difference in preaching styles between Todd and me. (I know - a totally unfair question to ask him, right? But then, Dad is a wise owl!) Dad told me that when I preach, people want to get out their pencils and take notes. I was feeling pretty good about that answer. Then Dad went on. But when Todd preaches, people put their pencils away and just sit back and listen to the stories. Yep, he’s that good!
Todd and I are so close to one another. One cannot tell one brother’s story without telling the other brother’s story. Thirty-five years ago I was visiting Todd at Mount Vernon Nazarene College (yes it was a college back in the day, not a university - but we just called it the “Naz.”) Todd had a pretty big smile on his face, so I knew something special was going on.
He introduced me to his new girlfriend, Amy Herzog. We spent an afternoon together and had the best time. Being Todd’s big brother, I knew he was onto a really good thing in his life. But I also knew something else. Todd also had another girlfriend up in Akron, back where I lived at the time. So I decided to help out my little brother.
As Todd and I were getting ready to leave and say goodbye to Amy - I mean we were literally in the car waving goodbye - I rolled down my window and asked Amy if she wanted to go with us and spend the weekend at my house. Amy didn’t even hesitate. She said “yes” and hopped in the car. Just like that. No packing. No stopping to get bags. It was such a happy moment! I’ll never forget the stare I received from Todd.
That’s just one of the many things I love about Amy. And why she is such a great match for Todd. She’s always up for an adventure. Just the kind of partner that Todd needed, because life with him was going to be quite the adventure!
Todd and Amy pastored several churches - both Nazarene and Vineyard - over their 28 year pastoral career. He served churches in Michigan and in Southern Ohio. Together they eventually founded the Mason Vineyard Church.
Todd and Amy became the parents of three - and so far - the grandparents of two. Todd is such a joyous grandpa! Joy is a good word to describe Todd. He takes great joy in everything he does. His preaching. His family.
Even my family! Back in 2013 Dave and Jessica were married and Todd, my sister Kimberly, and I had a great party with the whole family. What a blast!
Kingdom Jeopardy. So what kind of party are YOU in for if you come to Church Requel this Sunday? The title of Todd’s talk is “Kingdom Jeopardy.” Have you ever noticed that one good question is worth a thousand pat answers? We like answers because answers give us a sense of being right, and we like to think we are right. Questions make us feel uncertain, and we don’t like feeling uncertain. However, easy answers can actually jeopardize spiritual growth. How so? Well I suggest you show up for Church Requel Sunday morning at 11am as we discover Kingdom Jeopardy - where all the answers are questions!
REMEMBER OUR SPECIAL SECRET! Remember what I told you to do this Sunday. You weren’t at church last weekend? Ask someone who was there. You will have so much fun!
Neighborhood Meal - Saturday October 14th. Great news! The neighborhood meal is back on again at Church Requel. We serve our next meal one week from tomorrow. We will need volunteers to arrive by 4pm and plan to serve until 6:30. People will show up to eat at 5pm. We would also appreciate your donations of desserts to share. Thank you so much for serving our community and being Jesus’ hands and feet!
Housewarming Party - Saturday October 21st. You all are invited to the Walkers’ new home from 5pm to 9pm. Come for a wonderful fall evening with food, drinks, cornhole and a bonfire. Where do the Walkers live? Show up on Sunday. There just are some things we shouldn’t put out there on an Internet newsletter.
We’re still praying for Loni, Jack, Jenny and Amie. Miss you all much. Love you all much! Pastor Mark and Mary Kay.