We take a close look at the Christian life cycle through the story of Peter. Along the way we discover the crisis each Christ-follower must face in his or her own life. The end result of this crisis will be either life everlasting or stillbirth. The good news? Jesus is on our side and even prays for us!
Today we consider the life cycle of a genuine Christian. Why is it important? Because we live in two ways. We are born physically. Then we are born spiritually. We can be walking around in a physical sense yet be walking dead in a spiritual sense.
This is especially important when we become disappointed in ourselves and our Christian performance. Are we real? Authentic? Or just fooling ourselves? Peter demonstrates what we all go through. And good to know that Jesus is cheering us on. Praying for us!
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32 NIV
5 Marks of Our Christian Growth:
1. Christian Hubris: I __IDEALIZE__ my Christianity.
We all have idealized concepts of what it means to be a Christian. How we are raised to what we were taught to what we’ve always thought.
But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” Luke 22:33 NIV
It’s perfectly natural to think that if we were a Christian that we would do it right. That’s why critics say there are only hypocrites in that church. Truth is that none of us are perfect ever, but especially when we begin. We think we are better than what we are. We fail to realize the depth of our depravity. But often we try to live like a Christian…
2. Christian Crisis: I __RECOGNIZE__ my inability.
This is where the crisis comes in. No one can do it. We don’t have the ability. And often our inability comes right at the point that we thought we were so strong. Peter thought that he would go to prison or die. But the reality…
Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today,
you will deny three times that you know me.” Luke 22:34 NIV
And it came true just like Jesus said it would!
Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. Luke 22:60 NIV
This recognition brings on crisis? Why crisis? Because it is exactly at this point that we either give up, fake out, or move through.
(1) Give up - I just can’t do it so I won’t even try.
(2) Fake out - Pretend to be a Christian but not really. Still relying on my own strength. Pray but never experience power of God’s Holy Spirit. Prayer as last resort.
(3) Move through. This is hard and painful. But it’s a wall every authentic Christian goes through.
3. Christian Genesis: I __AGONIZE__ my failure.
When we come face to face with our own depravity and the fact that we cannot please Jesus through our own efforts alone - that becomes agony for us.
The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered…
and he went outside and wept bitterly.” Luke 22:61-62 NIV
We have a word for this deep emotional sorrow for our sins. It’s called contrition. It is the beginning of our reconciliation to God. Without the feeling of sorrow for our failure, our confession means little, and our repentance even less. It’s important to recognize that Christ died for us and loved us regardless of our own imperfection.
“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 NIV
Once we understand this truth about Jesus - his unconditional love even at the point of our sinfulness - we have room to respond. We agonize our failure (contrition) - we have a “contrite” heart - and that leads us to confession (agreement with God) and then to repentance (change of direction).
This is where authentic Christianity begins - Contrite, Confession, Repentance…
4. Christian Phoenix: I _METABOLIZE__ my love.
The rest of Peter’s story - his reconciliation to Jesus - is told in John 21…
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me? He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” John 21:15-17 NIV
3x “Do you love me, feed my sheep” Why 3x? Reflects the 3 betrayals. Do I have to name each sin? You committed each of them! More than a reminder of Peter’s failure, this 3x was also an emphasis of Jesus’ restoration. 3x “Feed my sheep!” 3x Peter’s calling and purpose. Had not changed. Peter still had his job! He was still going to be the leader!
Why the 3x “Do you love me?” What was now and forevermore going to be the source of Peter’s strength and affection? No longer for himself, but for Jesus! Which ALSO means his faith could now be solid. Wasn’t dependent on his own perfection. (Peter wasn’t perfect still.) But since his faith was based on his love of Jesus RATHER than himself, he was good to go for the rest of his life.
This is why we use the word, “metabolize.” Means to change. A caterpillar “metabolizes” into a butterfly. It is forever changed. The same is true of an authentic Christ-follower. The person who calls himself a Christian but is still at #1 above is dependent upon himself. Will fail. His faith will falter. Still in love with himself and comes to Jesus full of himself. (“I will never deny you!”) When we change / metabolize our love from ourselves to Jesus, then God can use us like a phoenix rising from the ashes into God’s purposeful life…
5 Christian Oasis: I __REALIZE__ my purpose.
We all have different purposes. Not many have the genuine purpose to serve to martyrdom. But Peter did! Do you remember what he promised? “I will follow you to prison and even unto death!” Yet on that night of nights, he denied Jesus 3x. Yet it was still his highest calling / purpose…
“But even if you should suffer for what I right, you are blessed. Do not fear their threats. Do not be frightened. But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:14-15 NIV
30-40 years before Jesus affirmed his own faith in Peter that he would indeed live his life and give his life for Jesus. That Peter would be faithful!
“Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” John 21:18 NIV
Tradition holds that Peter died a martyr’s death on the cross. Unlike Jesus, Peter insisted on being crucified upside down, because he thought himself unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as Christ.
This may not sound like a good thing, but remember that few people are a Peter and called to be faithful even to the death penalty. We do have to ask “What is my purpose?” What are You calling ME to do for You, Lord Jesus? That may be something we even sense before our salvation, but we fail to live up to it.
What about you? Where are you at? Are you stuck? Do you need to move through one of these markers of Christian faith?
There are a couple new initiatives happening these days at Church Requel - (1) a new jam band group is forming up and (2) a new book exchange program will be starting up. I'll tell you about the first this week and the second next week.
New Music Jam Group. I've mentioned to you before that several folks in our church have been bitten by the desire to play music on various instruments. You've heard about my love for the ukulele. Don Angel received a new left-handed bass guitar for Christmas. Chris Thoman has always wanted to know how to play the guitar, so once he finished his college studies last October, he started taking guitar lessons. Also taking guitar lessons again is Dan Logan. Brett Angel has been playing his guitar. Brandi has started practicing the piano again. And we all know how gifted Dave Johnson is on his guitar.
I texted all of them this week and asked if they would like to get together and jam as a fun group? They all responded "yes!" We're still figuring out the details as to the when and the where, but I'm sure excited about the possibilities. If anyone else is interested in being included, please let Brandi or me know and we'll get you the details as we figure them out. I'm betting there are some secret instrumentalists out there and your inner musician is just busting to be expressed!
This Sunday at Church Requel. Our worship team will be led by Brandi, Missie and Trish. They always do such a great job. They are going to open our worship service with a brand new song they practiced and figured out last night, called "My God," by Jeremy Camp. You will want to make sure you're on time so you don't miss a single note.
Other worship songs we'll be singing together include "Lord I Need You," "How Great Is Our God," "Cornerstone," and "Because He Lives." That is one awesome worship set! Can't wait!
As you might have guessed by the photo above left, Kay Butts will be reading our Scripture for us. I talked to her yesterday about it and she is very excited. Our teaching time includes the entire story of Peter's 3 denials of Christ. If you've ever heard Kay read before, then you know we are all in for a special treat!
After our sermon, Brandi Walker has prepared another special song, "Jesus I Believe," made famous by Big Daddy Weave. Are you beginning to see just how special Sunday morning will be at Church Requel? (But then, when is a Sunday at CR not special, right?)
One more big thank you... Last week I wrote to you all that we needed someone to serve in the Nursery to watch over our toddlers this Sunday morning. THANK YOU BETHANY for volunteering!
That Look Of Jesus. I'm also excited about our study together Sunday morning taken from Luke 22:31-34 and 54-62.
We take a close look at the Christian life cycle through the story of Peter. Along the way we discover the crisis each Christ-follower must face in his or her own life. The end result of this crisis will be either life everlasting or stillbirth. The good news? Jesus is on our side and even prays for us!
I'm praying that this will be a good time in God's Word for all of us. Want a head start? Open your Bible app, click on "Events" and then "Church Requel." Or you could click here to see the sermon notes in your browser window.
Thank You For Your Generosity! With three Sundays of February behind us, I can report to you that we are on track for the best giving we have ever experienced in February. That's pretty amazing because our attendance has not been quite as upbeat. (I'm sure that's because of the weather.) But you sure have been faithful to support your church financially. Also last week we saw the highest number of online donations we have ever experienced in a single week! Wow! Many of you are giving regularly online. And just as many are using the Give.ChurchRequel.org website. However you are doing it, from the bottom of my heart - ❤️ ♥️ 💙 Thank you!
That's going to wrap up this week's newsletter. I sure am fortunate to be your pastor. Love you all much! Pastor Mark
How about a little ukulele this Sunday morning? Yours truly will be singing a special song and playing my uke for you. I picked up this delightful little musical instrument on New Year's Eve and made a resolution to learn to play it this year. Nothing like a date on the calendar to play in public to make one practice! Ha!
For years I have been encouraging our young people to take their talents and give them to the Lord in worship. Now is my chance to practice what I've been preaching.
The song I'll be playing and singing is "Touch The Sky" by Hillsong. I have learned to love the lyrics: "I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground."
Those of you who are picking up a musical instrument and practicing, I hope you'll follow my lead and play for us soon. I understand that Brett, Dan and Chris have all been practicing their guitars and Brandi has been working on the keyboard again! Yay! I didn't even mention my son-in-law, Dave, who oozes vocal and guitar talent. Also each Wednesday I've been jamming with Don Angel, who is really proficient with his brand new bass guitar. We do have the makings of a praise band! Again I say, Yay!
Big Praise Team Too! You'll be thrilled to know that we have many vocalists leading our worship singing this Sunday. Brian, Bessica, Brett, Aaron and Amy are all scheduled to sing with Brandi. They rehearse Saturday morning at 11am at church. Together we will be singing, "Blessed Be Your Name," "The Stand," "The Gospel," and "Holy Is The Lord." Thank you all for using your vocal gifts to lead our church. Aren't we fortunate to have so many people able and willing?
Luke Study Resumes. I have greatly enjoyed my sermon prep this week. We are returning to our verse by verse study of the Gospel of Luke. Specifically we turn our attention to Luke 22:21-30.
Who is the greatest? This human need to prove ourselves the best never ends. We see it in sports, work, school and family. Even in Jesus’ time - even on his final teaching day - his disciples were arguing about who among them was the greatest. If you truly want the gold medal for being the greatest, then this is one sermon you’ll want to hear.
Sometimes just one special word of Scripture jumps off the page to me. This week I was captivated by the verb, "confer," used twice in Luke 22:29. If I do my job well Sunday morning, you'll walk away encouraged too. For those who want a head start, here is the link to my sermon notes. (You can also find this in your Bible app by selecting "Events" and then "Church Requel.")
Kids Kingdom Cleaning Crew. This Wednesday, February 21, at 9:15 am is cleaning time for the Kids Kingdom area downstairs. If you are available, please plan to come help Tamara, Cindy, Don and Mary Kay as they sort and organize.
Nursery Help Needed February 25th. Do you love children? Want to give a toddler mom an hour's break? We are looking for a one-time volunteer for next Sunday. We SO APPRECIATE Jessica & Dave, Jennifer, Mary Kay and Sara, who each faithfully serve one Sunday a month in our Nursery. This week Sara couldn't make it so Mary Kay is moving her serve from next week to this week. It would be unfair to ask any of our Nursery workers to serve another Sunday this month. So will you consider serving next Sunday? If you are willing, let me or Brandi know.
Thank you all for your financial faithfulness. Last week you all were most generous in your love offering for Mansfield Christian School, donating over $300 for their ensemble team, Image. You also continue to be super generous to Church Requel. We're off to a great start to the year. From this pastor's heart to yours - THANK YOU!
Hope to see you Sunday morning at 11am! Love, Pastor Mark
Wow! Do we ever have an exciting Sunday planned!?! Big party for all of us and you won't want to miss a second of it.
First thing - Mansfield Christian School's ensemble group, Image, will be performing their entire concert for us, starting at 11am. Through music, drama and testimonies they will share their talents and love of God with us! The title for their program this year is "Telling God's Story by Telling Our Story" and is based on Psalm 111.
This is one of the most special days of the year for our church. We usually have many guests and family members attend. There are a couple of things you can do to help be a good host church family. Come early so you can assist our guests. Be friendly. Please be sure to greet unfamiliar faces with a smile and show them where the coffee and snacks are, as well as the restrooms! AND bring plenty of food to share. Which leads us to...
Second thing - Potluck meal after Image concert. The very word, "potluck," begins my salivary glands to working. How about you?
This is the 4th year we have done this and our Image families really look forward to our celebration. So bring extra food! Side dishes, casseroles, salads, and desserts would all be helpful. We have purchased coffee and lemonade and all the paper plates, napkins and cutlery. Sheri is bringing a couple cooked and sliced hams.
We all bring the rest. This is another good reason to come early - so you can bring your food downstairs and still have plenty of time to move back upstairs for the concert. We'll bring the power strip so you all can plug in your crock pots. Sheri will remain downstairs and be our kitchen general. Salute! :-) Mary Kay and DeeDee have some great decoration plans too! Sounds like so much appetizing fun!
Invite. Invite. Invite. This is a great opportunity to invite family and friends to come to Church Requel with you. Let's fill the sanctuary up!
Also - Brandi has made this really simple for our Facebook members by creating a FB Event. Make sure you click that you are attending, share it on your timeline, AND invite your friends to come too.
The picture on the right is what your invite will look like when you set it up. Let's make technology work for us. Who knows who might respond if you simply ask!
Love Offering. Sunday we will collect a special love offering for MCS Image. These funds for Image go to provide for their equipment and travel expenses. Mark your envelope with the word, "IMAGE," on the front and - if you are giving to both Church Requel and Image - the amounts you want to go to each. You have always been so generous to Image in the past. They and we appreciate your generosity!
Answered Prayer! Last Friday I wrote to you about a serious issue for one of our church families. I was not at liberty to tell you the details about the multiple attacks this family were facing. But we thank you for your prayers. I'm thrilled to be able to tell you this week that God miraculously provided a positive answer to each issue this past week. Prayer works. Praise God!!!
Sunday will be Super Sunday! Of course I think every Sunday is pretty "super" at Church Requel, but the rest of the world knows this Sunday to be "Super Bowl" Sunday. I can't think of any more super way to start your Sunday this weekend rather than at Church Requel - especially when you see all the excited faces in this photo! These are all the people who showed up for praise team rehearsal last night. Wow!!!
To the person who donated our extra microphones this year (and you know who you are) - thank you so much! How did you know we would need them so soon?
The first Sunday of every month is usually pretty "super" anyway because of all the children who are involved in our worship experience. This Sunday will be no exception. Sivan, Charlee and Saudaie join Chris, Tamara, Cindy and Brandi on our worship praise team. Paityn will be sharing our announcements. Sicily will be playing her flute for our offertory. Grayden and Cohen will be helping Jonathan in the tech booth.
Parents - if your child would like to participate in this "first of the month" worship experience in the future, talk with Brandi. The praise team practices each month on the Thursday night before the first Sunday. But if your family schedule doesn't allow the Thursday night practice, your child could always sing a special song or play an instrument or help greet people or help to setup or clean up afterward. I love the tradition we have begun of our children becoming the church of today, and not just of tomorrow!
Super Sunday's Sermon. We also wrap up our New Year's Resolves sermon series this week with a kid-friendly talk I'm calling, "How To Pursue Happiness." According to our founding fathers this is a Creator-endowed right to everyone who calls themselves an American. But how do we pursue this right of happiness in a way that truly makes us happy?
I believe we find the answer in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. For those of you who want a head start on your own pursuit of happiness, open up your Bible app, click on "Events" and find "Church Requel." There you will find our sermon notes and all the verses for this Sunday's message. You can also click here to read it in your browser.
Super Quarterback & The Bible App. Did you know that the Super Bowl quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, Nick Foles, is a Christ-follower, who uses the Bible App every day too? Yesterday the folks from YouVersion published a short, 45-second YouTube video, where Nick Foles talks about his and his teammates regular use of the Bible app. Way to go, Nick! Do you know someone in your life who would be encouraged by this short video? Why not share it with them and encourage them to do a short Bible study with you on the Bible app next week? Opportunity!
Food Pantry Update. Sheri,Tamara, Chris and Don were busy this week cleaning and reorganizing our food pantry. We continue to offer free food to those in need from our congregation. We welcome donations and at this time we need canned cut green beans, carrots and fruit, peanut butter, jelly and frozen meat. Please talk to Sheri if you have a need. You can always bring your donations of food with you to church when you come to worship. Giving - after all - is another form of worship too. (Wouldn't it be cool if some of our children shopped for food and brought it with them Sunday morning?)
Coming Up - MCS Image & Potluck! In just one more week, February 11th, we will host Mansfield Christian School's ensemble group, Image. I wrote to you last week that this looks like it might be the best year ever! Lots of songs, instrumentals, and skits! You are in for a real treat! You won't want to miss it!
We usually have a pretty big day too with our attendance as many parents and friends of these young musicians will come to watch too.
We also plan to serve a potluck meal afterward downstairs in the fellowship hall. The church will buy a couple of hams and will provide plates and silverware as well as lemonade and coffee. You bring all the side dishes, salads and desserts. Bring plenty of extra to serve our guests too!
Prayer Requests. Keep praying for our church congregation. We have needs that come up every week. Sometimes I can share them and sometimes I cannot. I love one of the Bible verses we will discuss this Sunday that says the Holy Spirit can pray for us even when we cannot (Romans 8:26). This is one of those weeks when we should be faithful to pray in the Holy Spirit's power, even without knowing any specific details.
Love you all much. Keep faithful in your Christian walk! Can't wait to worship with you on this coming Super Sunday! - Pastor Mark
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