Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Aahhh - Labor Day weekend! The one official, federal holiday dedicated to the non-labor of those who labor for a living. The unofficial end of summer here in the States - the weekend when you do all those activities you've been meaning to do all summer long. Cookouts. Family. Camping. Anything that can be done outdoors!
What about you? What are you planning to do this weekend? The Pierces have several family gigs scheduled. Jillian and her whole family are coming up to stay with us tonight. Sunday after church we are planning to drive down to our nephew's place and see our extended family.
Whatever your plans, I hope you'll include Church Requel in your plans on Sunday morning. Brandi, Leia, Amanda and Jacoby will be leading our worship. Paityn will be bringing our announcements. I'm hoping I can coax some of our reading students to come up front with me during the sermon and read our Scripture together.
Speaking of the sermon, we began our current series' study of Acts 12 weeks ago. I'm calling this 12th sermon, "Mission or Comfort," as we study Acts 5:33-42. If you want an advanced look at the talk, open up your Bible app and click on Events. You can also see the sermon notes in your browser window by clicking here.
We also plan to continue the "God Stories" segment this Sunday. We started it last week and enjoyed 3 of you telling us about your Christian journeys. If you'd like to share this Sunday, start thinking now about what God is doing right now in your life. What are you learning? How are you growing? What can you share that might be an encouragement to someone else?
Pancake Breakfast - September 16th. In two weeks Dave Repp and Sheri Nichols will provide us all a wonderful pancake breakfast before church. We'll begin serving at 9:30 am. So come hungry and ready to visit with all your Church Requel friends. No charge for the breakfast either! It just doesn't get better than that!
Putt-Putt Golf / Grill Food / Antique Cars - September 23rd. Just because Labor Day has arrived and the kiddos are back in school, doesn't mean we have to stop our fun summer activities. On September 23rd AFTER CHURCH we'll all head down to Kelly's Miniature Golf to play some putt-putt and eat some grill food! AND the antique car show is that weekend too! You won't want to miss out on having a fun adventure with all your Church Requel friends. This event has been a popular one with young and old alike in years past.
Bonfire, Hot Dogs, S'mores on October 6th. This is our annual fun get together at Sheri's place. October 6th is a Saturday. We'll plan to meet at 6pm. Bring your lawn chair, something to drink, a side dish to share and your bug spray! If you have cooking sticks, bring those too. We'll have Sheri's address for you at church, if you don't already know where she lives.
Since this is Labor Day weekend let me close out this week's newsletter with the best Labor Day Bible verse I know:
"Whatever you do, do it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3:23
Love you all much! Pastor Mark