Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Anyone else amazed that this summer has flown by so fast?! I remember when we scheduled the canoeing adventure last spring. It seemed so far in the future! Now it's six days in the rear view mirror. The picture to the right is of all those brave souls who paddled down the Mohican!
I loved that we had such a wide age range on the trip. One is never too old or too young to go canoeing! When I was 4 years old I begged my Dad to take me out in his canoe when we were camping alongside a lake in Canada. Both my mom and grandma told both me and Dad that I was way too young to go out on that lake. But Dad took me, warning me sternly not to ever stand up in the canoe.
You can guess what happened. I stood up and flipped the canoe over. I was wearing a life vest but I didn't know enough to turn myself face up. I didn't even know enough to hold my breath. I thought I was a goner... right before Dad picked me up. It was to be the first time he saved my life. You can betcha that we both heard plenty from the womenfolk in the camp. (I'm guessing he heard more than me.)
Sunday at Church Requel. Brandi, Trish and Missie have prepared an awesome worship music set for you Sunday morning. Songs include "Lay Me Down" by Chris Tomlin, "No Longer Slaves" by Bethel, "This I Believe" by Hillsong, and "God Is On The Move" by 7eventh Time Down.
Nancy will bring our announcements. Roger will lead our prayer time together.
The sermon Sunday is from Acts 5:1-11 and is titled, "Hypocrisy In Generosity."
For the second week in a row the Back-To-School table will be set up in the front of the sanctuary. If you or someone in your family needs school supplies please come up before or after church and help yourself. If you are willing to shop some of the Back-To-School sales leave your donation for our school families on the table. We will make this available again next Sunday, August 19th.
Back To School Sermon Next Sunday. Speaking of Back-To-School, next Sunday we are planning to take a break from our Acts sermon series for a special single sermon called, "Making My Time Count." I know there are many time pressures on our families - so many great activities to choose from. But this also leads to a high pressure environment at home. How do we make our time count for the best? That's what we'll be talking about next Sunday on August 19th.
Next Event - Kelly's Putt Putt. In 4 weeks from this Sunday, we are planning to go down to Kelly's Putt Putt after church. We'll enjoy Kelly's grilled foods, Putt-Putt for the whole family, and we'll also enjoy the Antique Car Show! Yay!!! Make sure to put September 23rd on your calendar!
Hope you all have a great weekend! Hope to see you all Sunday morning at 11am! Love, Pastor Mark