Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Looks like it's going to be another awesome Sunday morning. First thing this morning I checked my weather app and discovered the high temp on Sunday will be 48 degrees! Then I remembered the Jam Band will be playing and I thought, 'For February, this really will be a hot Sunday!.'
May I just say that I LOVE being part of this Jam Band group. I look forward to it all month long. I remember my dad telling me once how much he loved being a part of the Jam Band of which he was once a member. I let it go in one ear and out the other. Now here I am - once again - just like my dad.
Here's what I love about them. They each come to the practice session on Saturday with something they've been working on for the past month for the songs we're going to sing. I never really know what that will be until Saturday. Then we get together for practice and someone will say, "What do you think if I do this?" Then I'm blown away by what I hear.
Yet there's no pressure and there's no egos involved. Someone might say, "I've been really busy this month and just need to play along with you guys." That's just hunky dory. Also there's never any hurt feelings if something doesn't work out. Yes, more than once Dan has suggested in his loving, calm, encouraging manner that maybe, just possibly maybe, my ukulele strum... is too fast... doesn't work for this song... is hard to play with. We all just laugh and then I try something different. Ha!
But in one way or another that has been true for all of us. This whole thing has been a huge stretch. Brandi had never played keyboard and sang at the same time (she's great at both - just one at a time.) On the other hand, Dave loves to sing while playing his guitar. But there has been the occasion when we will ask him to sing without playing. Not his fav, but he does it. Don had not played bass since he was in high school. And Brian? He never even played drums before Jam Band! Can you imagine? There just aren't any egos involved. We all want our worship music to sound as good as it can - all for the glory of God.
This Sunday we will be playing a couple new songs for us. (Not new for you - you've sung both of these many times. We've just never played them.)
One of these songs is "Revelation Song" sung both by Hillsong and Kari Jobe. At the end of our last practice, I asked the team if there were any songs they would like to be added to our list and Dan right away said, "Revelation Song!" What an awesome song! So much worship! Holy, Holy, Holy! Wow!
Then Don chimed in. "We have 'Oceans' on our list, but we've never play it. I think it's such an awesome worship song and would love to do it." We looked back and found he was absolutely right. We had worked up the arrangement and had practiced it in the early sessions, but never brought it out for Sunday morning.
That song so fits in with our theme Sunday morning about God always being there for us when our plans don't work out. I've named the sermon Sunday, "The Perfection of Plan B," from the back half of Acts 11. The lyrics of this song are really amazing for those Plan B moments in life.
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
Let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me.
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior."
The Perfection Of Plan B. I want to tell you all a little bit about the background to this week's sermon. This is supposed to be a newsletter, after all, so why not be a little "newsy" with it? (... for those of you who've actually read this far!) We are continuing on with our Acts study. I've been reading the back half of Acts 11 for a few weeks now and wondered what direction I might go with it.
Then Monday morning, one little part of verse 19 caught my attention: "Now those who had been scattered by the persecution that broke out when Stephen was killed..." I asked myself why this was included? Luke had already told that story back in Acts 6. For us reading it today it's like, 'I just read this a few pages back.' But for those living it out, it had be years - many hard, difficult, challenging Plan B years.
What do I mean by Plan B?
Life often looks so very different than we hoped or expected. We were so sure the path we were on for job, family, relationships for life... was just the way it was supposed to be: our Plan A. Then suddenly everything changes. We feel disappointed and disillusioned, and we quietly start to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness and what we thought was His plan for us.
Surely that was true of those who were forced to relocate from Jerusalem to Antioch, right? Their families had lived in Jerusalem for generations... going back a thousand years! Now their world was turned upside down. They fled for their lives, leaving behind houses and businesses and family and friends. Surely they asked, "Why God?"
That moment and little sliver of verse 19 sparked the entire sermon this week. (You can get a head start by checking out the sermon in the Bible app or by clicking here.)
Here is where this little story gets really good. Each week, when I finish my sermon outline, I email it to Brandi. We have done this for years so that when Sunday morning comes we can both be on the same page.
When I went into my email program to send off the email to Brandi, I found another email waiting for me from Amazon. This email told me that a book was coming my way: "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way" by Lisa TerKeurst. I had not ordered it. Mary Kay had spoke with a friend the day before, who told her about this book and she ordered it. Mary Kay didn't know about my sermon. I didn't know about the book. Yet God arranged both separately, independently, coincidentally, and I believe... purposefully.
Just to make sure I got the confirmation message from Heaven on Wednesday night, Mary Kay and I went to Brian's Bible Study on the Holiness of God (this study is excellent by the way - you really don't want to miss it). During the study Cindy chimes in with, "I was just reading this book about finding unexpected strength when disappointments come our way."
I couldn't believe it. I ventured the question: "Hey Cindy what's the name of the book?" She thought for a moment and then replied, "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way" by Lisa TerKeurst. I think God is telling me something - and through me... also to you. Life doesn't always work out the way we want it to, yet God has a way of working it out if we'll only see Him at work, if we'll only look for the opportunity, if we can only celebrate the victories we do find.
Oh... one more thing... for those of you who like to check out the sermon notes in your Bible app, you know that I always try to include a Bible study for follow up, right? It's pretty cool. I type in some key words about what the sermon will be about and the Bible app recommends a good study to go along with it. Guess what popped up this morning when I put my sermon notes into the Bible app? "It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way: A 5-Day Challenge By Lysa TerKeurst." I kid you not!
A Big Thank You To Juanita! I can't write this newsletter without a big, super, HUGE thank you to Juanita. She showed up last Sunday with all of her baking gear and took all our children downstairs during the sermon. She and they baked Valentine's cookies together. I have heard since that for some of these children, it has been their favorite church experience yet! I don't know about you, but I LOVE the fact that our kiddos are associating church with life lived well!
I have some other really great photos of last Sunday's cookie extravaganza. I'll try to get them posted on Facebook for you later today. They really are just super cute!
One last word - March of Prayer begins in one week! I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this more-than-a-month-long church-to-church event.
Starting March 1st, our church will join 33 other Mansfield congregations to form the March of Prayer. That's right! 33! Two more have joined in since last week, so we'll be going into April. I'd love to see as many of you as possible to go to as many of these worship and prayer events as possible. Each one will be different and unique.
We'll be reminded about the diversity and richness of the larger church and Kingdom of God! That's got to be really healthy for us, right? Plus it will allow us to fellowship and worship with one another and with other Christ-followers as well. Make sure to pick up a schedule this Sunday.
For those of you on Facebook, each evening has a separate event in Facebook. Look for them and click that you're coming to the ones you can make. That will be encouraging both to those individual churches and could also encourage some of your other Facebook friends to attend as well.
Church Requel has agreed to host this event on Thursday, March 28th, so please plan to come and be a part of that too. Together, let's turn Mansfield into Godsfield!
Well I was certainly long winded today! I hope you liked it and read it and maybe even will share some of the good news. So many wonderful things are happening. Let's celebrate each opportunity we can! Love you much, Pastor Mark
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