Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Summer has finally arrived in all its warm glory! To celebrate that along with all the other great things going on these days at Church Requel, we plan to enjoy a singing inspiration Sunday morning.
We're calling it "Singspiration" for short. This will be a Sunday morning filled from top to bottom with musical praise honoring our Lord Jesus. Many of you are participating. Normally we say the more the merrier. Perhaps in this case it should be the more the melodious-er? Ok, not a word. But I should get points for trying.
We've never attempted a singspiration before at Church Requel, and we have attempted a lot of things. So that's saying something. So for you loyal newsletter readers, what's it going to be like? Well, like I wrote earlier, we are planning for 100% music from beginning to end. Our ladies trio will open up our special worship morning with 4 wonderful songs sure to get your adoration for Jesus flowing.
On the 4th song, Anna Scott will come forward with her flag waving and banner flying! Anna is well trained - you'll be able to see her skills Sunday. What I love about her, though, isn't her ability to wave a flag, but the infectious smile she shares. You just know her heart is in the right place.
Others who will be singing and/or playing their musical instruments Sunday morning will be Dave Johnson and Bethany Pierce singing a couple duets while Dave plays his guitar. Violet Carrick and Cohen Pierce playing a saxophone duet, Bessica Brilla & Amy Watson singing a duet, Brian Betts singing a solo, Sicily Carrick playing a flute solo, the Angel family singing together, Leia Walker singing a solo, and finally yours truly closing out the day with a couple of new ukulele worship songs.
So what about other staples of our normal worship service like communion, prayer and God stories? I plan to open up the Singspiration with some instructions - which will go something like this.
The communion table is set up with the elements of the bread and the cup. At any time during the morning, you may go to the communion table and celebrate Christ's victory in your life.
I will be emceeing between the various worship teams coming up to the front and during those times, if any of you place a prayer request in the basket, we will pray for those requests as we transition from one group to the next.
Lastly, if God's Spirit moves in your heart Sunday morning by the music, then by all means stand up and tell us how God has been blessing you this week! We want to hear it!
And Potluck Too!? Wow!!! The Sunday Singspiration by itself would be awesome enough, but we're not done yet! When the singing celebration ends, we will all go downstairs for an amazing potluck meal together.
Not that we ever actually need a reason to enjoy a potluck, but in this case we do! We'll be celebrating Paul Scott's graduation from high school! So bring a card filled with encouragement for Paul. Let him know how much you love him. As far as the potluck goes, the church will be providing ham, paper plates, plastic eating utensils, napkins and water and lemonade to drink. You all bring the rest. You know the drill. We never ever have a shortage of food to eat at one of these potlucks. I don't know about you, but my mouth is already salivating!
New Prayer Team Starting Up! We have all seen the exciting results of prayer this year, haven't we? With the March of Prayer to the Prayer Burns, it feels to me as if the Holy Spirit is moving even more in our lives to be diligent in the discipline of prayer.
Yesterday I visited with Mark and Loni Baserman for a couple hours while Loni was receiving chemotherapy. Loni's heart and conversation with me were humbling, to say the least. She lamented her physical inability to be present very often in the worship services. (Though she never misses - she and Mark watch online every week!)
Loni told me that she was praying recently and admitted that she felt she had a complaining spirit about her life recently and specifically about her inability to participate in church. She then told me that she felt that God was telling her very clearly that He had a most important role for her to play at Church Requel - and that was to pray, pray, pray. She then told me that she has been praying as much as she could for each one of you by name!
That got the brain cells in my little head firing through their synapses. Why not send Loni a list of all the public prayer requests each week from the Sunday morning worship service? That way those prayer requests would continue being lifted up by someone other than me. Loni loved the idea and as soon as I got home, I sent her the list from this past week.
Then, I thought to myself, perhaps there are others in our congregation, who would also like to pray regularly for those prayer requests. Perhaps there others who feel like they can't do other things for one reason or another, but they DO have the time and discipline to pray regularly. I could easily add other people to whom I send out these weekly prayer requests. Would you like to be included? You could even be like Loni - someone who watches regularly online. We'd love to include you too. Let me know.
I really love how so many of you are looking for your spiritual gifts to share with the body of Christ. I'm so excited to share this ministry with you. Thanks for your willing and cheerful spirits. Hope to see most of you Sunday morning. Love always, Pastor Mark
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