Good Friday morning Church Requel,
Welcome to September!!! Cooler nights. Beautiful, sunny days. And football!!! Anyone excited besides Brandi and me?
This weekend our ladies trio will be leading our worship. I so love it when Brandi, Trish and Missie sing. They blend their harmonies so nicely. And it always seems to me that their hearts are in the right place too!
Here's what we'll be singing on Sunday: (1) "I Came For You" by Planetshakers, (2) "Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury, (3) "Jesus" by Chris Tomlin, and (4) "No Longer Slaves" by Bethel.
New Fall Study on Christian Disciplines. Remember this morning at 8 am, Brian Betts continues his new fall study at the church. We are calling it "Spiritual Disciplines For the Christian Life." While the study started last Sunday, it's not too late to join. Brian has books with him if you'd like to join. We encourage you to participate and discover how your Christian life could be so much richer!
Sermon: "Know Peace." Do you have no peace or do you know peace? Sunday morning we consider Acts 16:31-40, when Paul and Silas were unfairly beaten and imprisoned. As a Roman citizen, Paul had citizenship rights, which were violated. Doesn't sound very peaceful. How did Paul respond? How do we respond when our rights are violated? How do we find peace in unpeaceful situations?
Sometimes my sermon study takes me to unexpected places. This week was one of those times. I concluded that there are times when pursuing peace in our lives isn't very peaceful! It's actually stressful. Confrontational. Working for peace can actually lead us into conflict.
There are times when we think we know a Christian topic really well and then take a hard look at what God's Word actually has to say about it. This is what we will do this Sunday. I hope you all come with Bibles... and minds... wide open! Want a head start? Here are the online sermon notes.
Church Picnic in Two Sundays - Sept. 15th!
One week from Sunday we will enjoy our annual church picnic at North Lake Park right after our church service. The church will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks. You bring the side dishes and desserts. We will have an air-conditioned, enclosed pavilion to enjoy our lunch. There will be outside games for the young and young-at-heart. Stay for our annual group photo. This is always a lot of fun!
Singspiration and Breakfast - Sept. 29th!
September is a five-Sunday month. That means that on September 29th we will enjoy our second Singspiration Sunday!
Our entire worship service will be focused on singing and music. This is your opportunity to use your musical talents for the glory of the Lord. Talk to Brandi by Sunday if you'd like to participate. ALSO!!! - Sheri and Dave and Cindy have decided that no Singspiration would be complete without enjoying breakfast together beforehand! Isn't that great? Look for details to come.
OctoberBlest - The Last Seven Days of October!
Here is a new one for you! Remember all the joy we experienced this past Spring during the March of Prayer? We (Paul, Jordon, Matt, Me) are hoping that all the churches who participated then will join together for OctoberBlest, beginning Friday, October 25th. We're hoping for seven days of four one-hour prayer and praise services each day through the end of October.
So what will this be like? Each day for those last 7 days, there will be four worship events at four different churches at four different times:
Come when you can, leave when you must. No pressure to attend all of them. Different place each time. Maybe a lot of folks, maybe a few (what does it matter?) The faithfulness in continuity will unite us and stand before the Lord as Godsfield.
For those who like to plan their calendars ahead of time, Church Requel will host Tuesday, October 29th at noon.
Community Night Of Worship - November 1st!
Our week long OctoberBlest will culminate on Friday night, November 1st - "All Saints Day" - with a Community Worship Night. This free admission concert of worship music will take place at Freedom Ridge Church, 2200 Bedford Blvd., Ontario, Ohio at 7pm.
The community night of worship will be led by worship leaders and musicians from Freedom Ridge, Church Requel, Grace Church, North Woodbury Alliance, Gateway Church in Wooster, and Berean Baptist Church. Wow!
Yes, our own Brandi Walker will be right in the thick of things and will be one of the worship leaders for that night. I've also learned this week that Missie, Trish and Brian will all be participating too! Yay!!!
Are We Blessed Or What? I can't help but feel so blessed to be a part of this church community we call Church Requel. Our small church feels like family. If you doubt this, listen in to a phone call I received this week:
"Pastor Mark, I just wanted you to know that I WILL be at church Sunday. And I'm going to bring my brownies. I've already arranged my ride with Sheri. I'm just NOT going to let my knee keep me from being there. I miss everyone so much."
Yep, that was Juanita! When you see her, let her know how much you've missed her since she's had knee surgery. It will make her day.
We enjoy a relationship that not many people have anymore. Less than one in five people in America attend church weekly. Of that number a larger percentage attend a larger church than ours and thus don't enjoy the level of intimacy we take for granted at Church Requel. I'm also reminded that because we are a smaller church, the burden on each one of us is greater to keep it going and to not take it for granted!
Love you all much! Hope to see you Sunday! - Pastor Mark
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