Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Can you believe we have arrived at the last day in January 2020 already?!? What's so exciting about this Friday is that I can finally tell you all about what will be happening in February. WE HAVE BIG NEWS!!! So read on my fellow Church Requelers! In the order it will happen...
February 2nd - Largest Choir YET! Every Sunday at Church Requel is special, right? But this coming Sunday holds the potential of the largest choir we've ever seen at our church. I'm so pleased that so many of you have signed up! Here is the current list of choral singers: Brandi, Chris, Tamara, Amy, Bessica, Cindy, Olivia. Alice, Skyler, Aaron, Saudaie, Bubby, Sivon, Leia, Paityn, Brian and Emma. Wow!!! If you want to sing but your name is not on this list - come and sing anyway! Just make sure you come really early. The choir will begin practice at 8:30 am.
February 8th - Neighborhood Meal.
We will serve our neighbors a warm, hearty free meal this coming Saturday, February 8th. Volunteers should show up by 4pm. We serve the meal at 5pm. We are usually walking out the door by 6pm. Your homemade desserts would be most welcome too.
If you know you can come and help, would you please sign up in the lobby Sunday morning? Thanks for helping!
Clean Up Saturday - February 15th. We are gathering a team to clean up the downstairs area. We would appreciate all the hands we can get to organize our classrooms and storage closet. Post Christmas - everything is such mess. Also, there's lots of things that just need to be thrown away. Would you join the work team that morning? So far we have commitments from Pastor Mark, Mary Kay, Brandi, Paul Lintern, Dave & Becky, and Don & Steph. Plan to meet together with us at 9am. The more who help, the faster we will get 'er done!
Carpet Pull Sunday - February 16th. After the regular Sunday morning worship service, we need as many as can stay late to help us with a new project. We want to pull up all the carpeting in the sanctuary! If you have tools that can help, bring them. But even just your willing arms to carry off remnants would be most welcome. Why are we pulling up the carpeting you ask ... ?
Sanctuary Makeover - February 17th - 22nd. You read that right! A work team of carpenter-farmers from Oakland Lutheran Church have decided to take this project on. They will be building a brand new two-level platform that will extend out closer toward our pews. They expect to complete the work in three days, from Monday, February 17th to the 19th.
If you have basic carpentry skills (you can hammer a nail) and you have time available those days, why not join in the fun? And those of you with cooking and baking skills, perhaps you might come in and feed our carpentry team!?
Paul has also hired a local carpeting installer to come in on February 20th and 21st to install new carpeting in our aisles and upon our new platform. When you come to church on February 23rd, expect a whole new look! Isn't this exciting news?!
Leap of Faith Concert - February 29th. Did you know this is Leap Year? This February has 29 days! So what are you planning to do with your extra day this year? I have a suggestion. Why not come to church on Saturday night at 6:30 pm and celebrate all that God has done! I will be joining Paul Lintern and many other musicians with a concert of praise. The official "March Of Prayer Again" will start the next day. This kick-off event should be a lot of fun and filled with praise for our Lord. The concert will begin just as soon as the neighborhood meal is finished.
Last Sunday I told you that we had fallen behind our 2020 budget in the first 3 weeks of January. You responded so willingly, with the largest weekly giving in this month. We are all caught up!
Thanks so much for having such a generous heart! We have such a loving and giving church family. I know I am lucky to be your pastor.
Isn't this an exciting time for us? Love you all much! - Pastor Mark
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