Good Saturday morning Church Requel!
Our first step toward opening back up takes place this weekend! THE BAND IS BACK! Woohoo! We've done our very best to lead worship one band member at a time over these past two months. But let's face it. Zoom isn't great for music.
So... NO MORE ZOOM on Sunday mornings!
Our worship band and tech team will be gathering at 9am Sunday morning to rehearse two hours so that we may lead worship TOGETHER at 11am on FACEBOOK.
So... our entire worship experience will be LIVE STREAMED ON FACEBOOK.
We will do this for the next two Sundays - May 24th and May 31st.
Our Planned Opening - June 7th. We hope you can come and join our worship leaders in person on Sunday June 7th. Here are the measures we are taking to keep everyone as safe as possible from the virus.
- We will ask family groups to socially distance from one another. We will close every other pew to assist you in this.
- We will ask worship attendees to wear a mask. This is not so much to protect you as it is for others to be protected from you. You benefit from everyone else also wearing a mask. The only exceptions will be those singing or speaking from the platform. We will keep them more than 6 feet away from the rest of the congregation. We will ask our worship team to also wear a mask when they exit the platform.
- We will clean all surfaces two hours before our worship begins. If you are willing, come to the church at 9am to clean while the worship team practices. Some of you have already told us you're willing to do this. If you would be willing to join the 9am cleaning team, please let either Brandi or me know.
- We plan to reduce movement within the sanctuary as much as possible. Once you come into the sanctuary we ask that you find your seat and remain. To assist you in this...
- You will receive your communion elements when you enter the sanctuary. We won't be gathering together at the tables.
- The offering baskets will be placed at each entrance so that you may worship with your offering when you enter or leave the sanctuary. We won't be passing the offering baskets.
- For now, we won't be offering snacks or beverages in the lobby
- We won't be celebrating a "greeting time" in the middle of the service. All you introverts may now rejoice.
- We will phase in other Sunday morning student ministries as we move forward and as we have enough cleaning capacity available. For now, families will remain together for the entire worship experience in the sanctuary.
- If you feel ill, stay home. If you have a fever, stay home. If you are afraid for your health and would prefer to worship with us on Facebook, stay home. If you you live in England, Virginia, Alabama, Wyoming, or Oklahoma, stay home and worship with us on Facebook!
We know many of you can't wait to get back together again as a congregation. We are right there with you! Let's do this in a way that demonstrates our mission statement - to be a community loving God and loving people!
Women's Summer Bible Study. Several of you have already registered. If you haven't already signed up, you will want to do so soon. Registration for these summer sessions will close this coming Tuesday, May 28th. The first video session will be available the week of June 8th. Ladies, you can watch the video lesson anytime at your convenience. Our ladies group will be gathering via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 7pm with the first session beginning June 11th. Here are some important links for you:
- Registration link.
Then click on where it says, "Click here to register." Then click on where it says, "Jump To Registration Form." Just answer the easy questions - email, name, City, State, age. Where it asks you your local church, enter "Church Requel." If you are asked what type of group, answer "Church Hosted Group." Cost - Mary Kay has already made a donation for ten ladies or so. So this is optional for all our ladies.
- 2nd Timothy session info. Everything you want to know about what we will be studying together and how it will work. - Here is the link to download your study guide.
If you have any questions about any of this, contact Mary Kay. We are really looking forward to this opportunity to learn God's Word together this summer!
This Sunday Morning's Sermon. The title of our sermon for tomorrow morning is "Affliction & Comfort / Suffering & Hope." It comes straight from 2 Corinthians 1. You might want to read that chapter to prepare your mind for tomorrow morning. Speaking of preparation, you also are welcome to join me this morning at 11am for our daily devotional. I'm planning to practice all the songs we will be singing tomorrow morning with the praise band. They are all songs you know, but it won't hurt to be reminded!
Love you all much. Happy Memorial Day weekend. Hope to "see you" on Facebook either this morning and/or tomorrow morning at 11am. Pastor Mark
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