Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Recently there has been much political controversy over a particular drug touted as a possible cure for the Covid-19 pandemic. I won't weigh in on that issue, but I do believe I know the cure for the Covid Blues.
You know about the Covid Blues - that feeling that no matter what you do or where you go, the Covid virus is looking for you and sure to find you. It's a feeling that weighs you down with concern and worry about your family and your friends. On top of everything else the Covid Blues sprinkles controversy and division over us at the very time when we need to come together in unity and resolve.
How do we stand up to the Covid Blues?
This week I received a video from our good friends, Donald and Vanessa Causley. The Causleys, who live in England, have been worshiping with us via Facebook Live for a couple years now. They became quite active in our church during the days of Covid lockdown and Zoom worship. The Causleys also have friends who gather with them for a weekly Bible study and they often use Church Requel sermons for their study.
The video the Causley's sent me was the result of a request from Brandi for Vanessa to sing and for Donald to read Scripture. We didn't tell them what to sing or what Scriptures to read. As some of you know, without direct selection guidance, the picking out of Scripture or music can become an overwhelming task since there is so much from which to choose.
Don and Vanessa made it a matter of prayer. What resulted was clearly the act of the Holy Spirit in answer to their prayers. I'll not tell you more now because I want their video to have the same impact upon you all as it did on Brandi and me. I will tell you this - after watching their video - I felt the Holy Spirit also moving upon me and decided to make their Scripture selections the basis upon which I would preach this Sunday.
So back to the question: How do we cure the Covid Blues?
I believe the answer can be found in worship. Specifically - and here is my thesis for our sermon this Sunday: One excellent way to deal with the turmoil and pain of the Covid crisis is when we choose to worship the Lord God with gladness, in Spirit and in truth. Here's hoping you tune in Sunday morning for the details!
In addition to the music provided by Vanessa, the Church Requel band is working on six different worship songs, which we hope will guide you closer to our Lord Jesus. Here's what we'll be singing Sunday morning: "Open Up The Heavens" by Meredith Andrews, "No Longer Slaves" by Bethel, "Love The Lord" by Lincoln Brewster, "Evidence" by Josh Baldwin, "Faithful Now" by Vertical Worship, and "God So Loved" by We The Kingdom. Wow! I'm pretty excited about Sunday morning. How about you?
In addition we will pray together, give together, and take communion together. So whether you are able to come and be with us in person or whether you worship with us online - we look forward to our worship together experience this Sunday morning at 11am EST. Hope to "see" you there!
Love you all! Pastor Mark
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