Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Wow! The winds of change sure blew through the Mansfield area last night! Anyone else wake up this morning to the howling reminder that Spring has arrived? I don't know about you, but I am more than happy to see the winter chills get blown away!
Springtime's arrival also means Palm Sunday's arrival! Yay! I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to worshiping with all of you! We have some great plans for Sunday morning. Brandi will open up our worship service with the seasonally perfect, "Hosanna!"
The congregational songs we are planning to sing include: "Dwell In The House (Psalm 27)"; "Praise His Name Praise His Name" - the first two songs written by yours truly; "Hallelujah for the Cross" by Chris McClarney; "Goodness of God" by Bethel; and "Greater Things" by Mack Brock. We will be waving our palm branches with our voices this Sunday for sure!
We will continue our 1 Peter sermon series - this time from 1 Peter 4:12-19. Thank you Eddie Walker for reading our Scripture for us this Sunday! The title of the sermon this week is: "When Our Faith's On Trial." We will consider 5 things to do when we suffer because we are Christ-followers.
Yes, we will pray together and share communion together. I hope many of you can attend in person. We are seeing more and more of you coming back. it was so great to see Georgianna and Sandy at Church Requel this past Sunday morning. If a nonagenarian can make it to church... do I need to finish the sentence? However, if you live far away or feel it safer to stay at home, you can watch on our Facebook Page or on our YouTube channel. Here is the YouTube link -
Ukulele Prayer Songs. It has been an exciting week at Church Requel. This past Wednesday evening my ukulele and I hosted the March of Prayer. For those of you who came out to support me and to pray - thank you! (I know I am home among friends when I hear John clapping and dancing with joy!) We did have a really good evening.
For those who would like to hear just the music portion, I have edited the evening down to the 16 prayer songs. If you ever want to play some ukulele prayer music in the background, click on this YouTube link.
Also, if you are interested in hearing just one particular song I have included time stamps in the description for each song.
Tech Booth Upgrade. I've also been busy at the church this week continuing to upgrade our computer streaming capabilities. This week we brought up the MacMini computer from the office downstairs and installed it in the tech booth. When everything is complete this will give Chris some additional capabilities on Sunday morning. 1) He will be able to add back the Mevo camera to our stream if we lose it during the middle of a worship service. No more having to come up to the laptop in front of everyone if it goes down. 2) Chris will be able to record our music digitally straight from the sound board to the computer. This will be a big help to the worship/praise team to be able to playback during rehearsals.
Love you all much! Hope to see you Sunday morning! Pastor Mark
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