Good Friday morning Church Requel!
How are you doing this morning? Seriously! If you're like me, you're still just a bit overwhelmed. Still just a little overflowing with God's grace. Still realizing just how much God blessed our concert weekend six days ago. At first there was exhaustion from all the effort. Even then the after glow was pretty amazing. As I've been able to rest up and think more deeply about everything that happened last week, I'm even more amazed.
Sunday morning I'd like to tell you the stories of the lessons we affirm from concert weekend!
This will take me two weeks. I couldn't fit it all into one sermon. Six lessons. Two 3-point sermons. You're going to want to hear this. Some of it will be a surprise, so I won't tell you all here. (However, the truly curious can check out this Sunday's sermon notes here:
Writing these two sermons brought me such great joy and revelation of how God is working through Church Requel. We have something truly different here and it appears God is working uniquely through us! It's just so special. Multiple times, as I was writing, I had to just stop and sit and sometimes pray, sometimes marvel. There's so much strife and division within the world, and sadly too within many evangelical churches today. We are so fortunate to be blessed the way we have been. All glory and thanksgiving to our LORD!
Certainly one of the wonderful things to watch last week was how much you all worked together to bring this event off in such a grand way. The work truly does go so much more quickly and easily when so many of you are involved. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say "thank you!"
Not only did you give your time and effort, but you gave from your pocketbooks to Reaching Out Homeless Shelter. I'm not going to tell you here the total amount - we must save some surprises for Sunday morning - but I can tell you that you'll be blown away. I know I was!
I was even more blown away by Jason's testimony during our halftime break. How could you not weep when you heard that at his lowest point, in the middle of the night, he came to our front steps and prayed for help from God? That night he found Reaching Out. And now he is a full-time volunteer there helping others out too! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Either Jason or Angie will be at Church Requel this coming Sunday morning to receive our gift!
So you can see that this Sunday will be another wonderful worship experience. A brand new sermon series reflecting the lessons we affirm from Concert Weekend. Reaching Out receiving our gift so that they can continue to reach out to the homeless this winter. AND....
We have some other fantastic news we will be telling you about over the next couple of weeks. God is not done with us yet! There is even more to come. You won't want to miss it! Plans for more fellowship. Plans for more ministry. Plans for more reaching out!
I hope you're like me... I hope you can't wait! See you Sunday morning at 11am! Some of you I'll "see" online either on Facebook Live or on YouTube. (Here is the YouTube link -
Love, Pastor Mark
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