Good Friday morning Church Requel!
For those in our church who live near Mansfield (increasingly our congregation grows outside of the Mansfield area, so I never take that for granted), we enjoyed a fabulous breakfast together last Sunday. Thanks so much Breakfast Crew: Dave, Becky, Judi and Cindy. Here are some pictures from our fellowship together. (I tried to make this a gallery you could swipe through, but alas my HTML skills didn't work for me. Still you can see all the pictures below:)
This Sunday: We will be opening with an old hymn sung in a new, Church-Requel-way: "Come Thou Fount (Above All Else)" by Robert Robinson and Shane & Shane. I hope you like it as much as I do. We also will sing "Way Maker" by Leeland; "Fierce" by Jesus Culture; "Praise Your Name" by Corey Voss; and "God's Not Dead" by Newsboys.
Here is the link for those of you who will be watching online using either our Facebook Page or on YouTube -
Brian Betts will be leading our sermon/teaching time with a study from Revelation 2:1-7. The title of the sermon is "The God Who Knows Your Heart." I have read through it and believe it is a very timely study for us. Thank you Brian. Those of you who would like a head start can check it out here -
Sound System Fund Update. We have ordered all the equipment we need for the June installation. We thank local supplier, DRM Productions and Partner Jonathan Pierce, for providing al the equipment at cost - about a $700 savings! YAY! Still our cost was $3,543.49 (yes - a very specific number. I can't help myself. Details!) We opened up a special fund account for April and May. Through April we have raised $1578. Let's continue our giving to this special fund through the end of May and have it paid for by the time the equipment begins to arrive.
Potluck Celebration May 15th For John's Graduation. We have one senior graduating from high school this year - John Vetter. What an exceptional young man! A footballer, a band member, and a wrestler all rolled into one! As well as one amazing Jesus worshiper!!!
And who could forget September 12th, when John was baptized here at Church Requel in a full, three-piece suit! I know it was a highlight of my ministry!
After graduation, John plans to join the Marines in October. John is definitely suited to be one of the few and the proud.
John, we are proud of you and we want to send you off right. So let's plan on a potluck gathering filled with cards and special gifts to send John on his way with all the love and affection of Church Requel!
That wraps up this week's pastor's newsletter. Hope you're all doing well. Keep my dad in your prayers. Love you much! Pastor Mark
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