Good Friday morning Church Requel!
The worship team tried out their new in-ear monitors for the first time this past Sunday morning. This was two full weeks earlier than we had planned. As you can see from Brandi's picture on the right, we absolutely love this new sound system for church.
The week before your pastor put on his sound engineer / tech hat and ran all the new lines. Now instead of one mixer in the back that controls the sound for everyone, the mixer in the back will run the house sound (the two speakers on either side of the platform facing the congregation), AND each praise team member will have their own mixer to run the sound to their own earphones.
You can see Brandi's giant smile. I saw this at one time or another on each band member as they each were able to design their own sound for their own needs.
We were NOT planning on using this new system this past Sunday. The plan was for me to try it out during rehearsal so that I would be able to teach all the rest on how to use it. But Sunday morning as each member of the team arrived early for their rehearsal AND each one wanted to try it out, Brandi made an executive decision.
"OK - let's give it a try," Brandi said, "but only for rehearsal. We'll use our monitors and speakers as always for our actual worship."
But then a funny thing happened during rehearsal. Everything worked really smoothly. By the end of the rehearsal, everyone voted to keep in the earphones and turn off all the other on platform speakers. How could we say no in the face of such excitement.
So - was it perfect, first time out? Of course not. We all have to get accustomed to the new in-ear speakers. They each come with six different sized pads to fit inside our ears. It takes some getting used to. When those earbuds are in our ears, we can't hear anything else. So we have to really make sure we have the mix right.
Brandi's earbuds had a defect and began crackling. We've already ordered a replacement for her set. But because she was having problems, she took them out mid way through the worship service and then was shocked to discover there was no sound up on the platform at all! Remember, we had turned everything else off.
With those few hiccups though, things are going really well. We have a training session planned for Sunday after church. The praise team will invest an extra three hours after church Sunday to learn all the details of their personal mixer-monitors. That's dedication! Because they will have already had the experience of two worship services under their belts, I'm betting that the training time goes really well too.
This past Monday Brandi and I spent an extra six man hours cleaning up the platform. Every platform speaker, monitor, and amplifier has been removed. All the lines have been re-run. Everything is zip tied and taped down. You won't believe how much better the front of the church looks now!
We also repurposed two of our larger monitors for our main house speakers. They are about half the size of the ones we had and the sound that comes out of them is also much better. Chris Thoman came and helped us replace those giant speakers. (They were so heavy!) Then we practiced a couple songs just to test that we had replaced everything correctly.
You should have seen the joy on Chris' face as he ran sound in the back. He told us, "I have so much better control now! It sounds so much better."
One more added bonus! The buzzing we've been experiencing when the overhead lights are running is GONE! Woohoo!
So yes - we are excited. We know it won't be perfect, because the Lord knows we are not perfect. But your praise team is so excited that they will be able to give you (and the Lord) their very best each week going forward. To all of you who gave so sacrificially to make this happen we say to you: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Sunday's Worship Plans. Here are the songs we are planning to sing together: "Holy Water" by We The Kingdom; "Broken Hallelujah" by The Afters; "God Turn It Around" by Jon Reddick; "What Faith Can Do" by Kutless; "Control" by Tenth Avenue North; and "That's The Power" by Hillsong.
For those of you who will be watching online, you can worship with us on our Facebook page or on our YouTube channel -
Brian Betts will be teaching from the pulpit Sunday morning. The title to his message is "The God Who Knows Your Trials." His Scripture text comes from Revelation 2:8-11. If you would like to read his sermon text ahead of time (or while he is delivering it) you will be able to find it in your Bible app. Here is a link -
These are exciting days for our church. I sure do love hanging out and worshiping with you all each Sunday morning. Hope to see you there! Love you! Pastor Mark
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