Good Friday morning Church Requel!
First things first. Remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night. Though, as far as I'm concerned, anyone wanting to join us an hour early will be most welcome. Yours truly and all the praise team and tech team will certainly be at church more than an hour ahead of time. The more the merrier!
The Midnight Theologian. How have you been enjoying our sermon series from the Gospel of John? I know I have. Each time I pick up John's Gospel, I imagine the sermons that he must have preached about those special Jesus moments he remembered. This week is no exception as we consider the nighttime visit from Nicodemus. Herein we find the most memorable verse in the Bible: John 3:16. Make sure you come Sunday morning to find out some incredible things about how God has been spreading the Word about John 3:16!
For those of you who would like a head start on the sermon, you'll find all my notes here:
The Songs We Sing. I know I brag about Brandi all the time - but really we are quite fortunate to have her as a team member. This week she has outdone herself once again. We will be singing 7 songs in total. Wow! One will be a brand new song for our Church. On two of them, she has asked me to play the keyboard so she is freer to lead our worship time. I'm excited to see how that goes! Also we welcome Dave back to the band after a well-deserved vacation.
Here are the songs we plan to sing: "Church (Take Me Back)' by Cochran & Co.; (NEW) "Sing Hallelujah" by Kingdom Kids / Shane & Shane; "Jesus" by Chris Tomlin; "I See Grace" by Micah Tyler; "Holy Spirit" by Francesca Battistelli; "Spirit of The Living God" by Vertical Worship; and "God So Loved" by We The Kingdom.
For those who will be watching our worship service online, you can log into our Facebook page or our YouTube channel shortly before 11am. Here is the link to YouTube:
Largest Sequels Group Yet! Congratulations go out to our Students Ministry Director, Eddie Walker, and his team. This past Sunday was the largest Sequels group yet! Yay! Eddie began the Sequels ministry just a little over a year ago and we are beginning to see the fruits of his labor. If you know of a student that isn't already going to church somewhere - invite them to Church Requel! I believe we are on the cusp of some great things in our student ministry. Congrats Eddie!
A Week Of Thanksgiving Services. Above you can see the schedule of Thanksgiving services in our fair city of Mansfield, beginning Wednesday November 16 and ending Wednesday November 23rd.
Church Requel's Thanksgiving Service will be Saturday, Nov. 19th, at 6pm.
We encourage you to attend as many of these as you are able. This is a great way to worship in different ways with different churches all praying a thanksgiving prayer to our Lord. We especially invite you to come Saturday night to our church as the praise band will be leading us in a very special Thanksgiving service with the music and enthusiasm you've grown to know and love. For those who cannot be here in person, we will also be streaming this special night. So put this on your calendar! Don't miss!
(I have added a download link at the bottom of this letter for the PDF flyer if you'd like to share this with someone else or put this reminder on your refrigerator.)
Thank you for your prayers and condolences. Finally, Mary Kay and I would both like to thank you all for your many thoughts and prayers for us as we attended Patrick's funeral this past Monday. Patrick died way too early - in our view - leaving behind a young wife and daughter. Many members of Mary Kay's family were there to support Amy and to celebrate Patrick's life. The photo above was taken at the dinner which followed the funeral. These are 8 of the 21 nieces and nephews on Mary Kay's side of the family. You can see two of our daughters, Jillian and Jennifer on the left. Amy is in the middle, four from the right.
Hope to see most of you - one way or the other - Sunday morning at 11am EST. Love you much! Pastor Mark