Good Friday morning Church Requel!
My heart is so full as I write to you this morning. I have had the privilege of attending the first two March of Prayer events. Both have been fantastic! Wednesday night was at Mansfield Alliance Church. Last night was at Journey Life Center. In both places God showed up in a mighty way. Worship was wonderful. Prayer was profound. As far as I'm concerned I will take a true worship experience over any other opportunity any day of the week!
Tonight we head to First Baptist Church, 4534 State Route 13 in Bellville. Tomorrow night we head to Southside Christian (where Paul Lintern is the pastor) on Middle-Bellville Road. Both services begin at 6pm.
Then Sunday night... SUNDAY NIGHT!!!!... is Church Requel March of Prayer night! Of course I'm really looking forward to that one! I've been practicing all the songs and trying to imagine what it will be like to see our sanctuary full again. I sure do hope you all will come and be good hosts for all of our guests. And also I hope you will be an enthusiastic encouragement for our Requel Band. I'm sure they have all worked as hard as I have this week preparing for the 6-8pm worship and prayer time.
I love to keep stats. The world keeps stats on all kinds of things - sporting events, weather, history, and on and on. Want to hear about some cool worship stats? Sunday night we will have the privilege of celebrating and hosting the 190th March of Prayer event over the past 5 years! Want to hear another stat eerily coincidental? It will also be the 190th performance / worship leading experience of the Requel Band since its first time leading worship in 2018! Two 190s on the same night! Now you have to come and see, right? Ha!
We also have a special guest coming to speak Sunday night. Alyse Schroeder from Catalyst will come and tell us about the addiction issue with which so many people in Mansfield are struggling. Catalyst is on the front lines in this battle. I'm really looking forward to hearing Alyse speak. Alyse and my daughter, Jessica, were best friends growing up and they remain fast friends today. A couple months ago as we were making plans for this year's March of Prayer, Paul told me that this year we would have a special prayer emphasis on addiction. I immediately thought of Alyse and invited her to come and talk to us. I hope you will all join me in praying for her when she finishes.
Seriously, I hope you not only plan to come. I hope you also will invite someone else to come with you. Don't miss out and don't let your favorite people miss out either! For those of you who live far away or who just can't leave your home, we will plan to stream the service on YouTube as well as on our Facebook page AND on the Godsfield Facebook page.
But First... Sunday Morning! We have great plans for our morning worship time as well. The sermon on Sunday will be from John 13:1-11. The title is "Servant or Master?" Don Causley will read our Scripture for the morning. Vanessa Causley has prepared a special song to match, "Jesus Washes My Feet" by Land & Salt. Can't wait to hear that!
Here are the other songs we plan to sing together Sunday morning: "Agnus Dei / How Great Is Our God" by Brandi Walker; "God Really Loves Us" by Crowder; "Praise You In This Storm" by Casting Crowns; "Jesus Friend of Sinners" by Casting Crowns; and "Nobody" by Casting Crowns.
One more cool thing will be happening for the first time Sunday morning. I've asked our youth pastor, Eddie Walker, to give us an update on what's happening with our Sequels Student Ministry. I appreciate Eddie and all he is doing to pastor our young people. Come and hear so you will know best how to go and pray.
For those of you that like to get a head start on the sermon, you can check out my sermon notes for Sunday in your Bible app or use this link -
For those of you that need to watch the Sunday morning service online, you can go to our Facebook page or use this YouTube link -
Hope to see many of you multiple times this weekend! Love you much! Pastor Mark