Good Friday morning Church Requel!
Wasn't last Sunday just the best!? Worship. Praise. Ordination. Pot Luck. Wow! Congratulations and prayers go out to Brian Betts and his entire family. We are all just so happy for him and for his dedication to following Jesus as a minister of the gospel. Go Brian!
I love mountain top experiences. Don't you? It would be so easy to just rest here and take in the scenery. Sometimes that's exactly what we should do. For a little while. But eventually, if we stay in this one place for too long, we can notice that the Holy Spirit has moved on. I've noticed that God's Spirit is like that. Always moving. And we have to move to keep up!
So what will be the next big mountain for us? The National Day of Prayer Parade on Thursday, May 4th. You say you didn't even know there was a parade for that? That's what I'm talking about! This year will be a first! We have parades for all kinds of things in Mansfield. Why not a big celebration for the National Day of Prayer?
Let me fill you in on some deets... at least as I know them now.
The parade will begin on Thursday, May 4th, at 6:30PM. You'll never guess where it starts. AT OUR PLACE! You guessed it! Right at Church Requel at the 5-way light. The parade will begin forming up an hour earlier - at 5:30pm. The Prayer Parade committee has asked for us to provide live music during that hour. They asked for loud, festive, and praise. Does that sound like us or what?
The parade will march down Park Avenue West to the gazebo in the downtown park, where the band from Potters House will be waiting. There we all will assemble together for the largest prayer event in Mansfield for the last 108 years!
Who all will be in the parade? Churches. Congregations. Ministries. Schools. Elected officials. First responders. City employees. Neighborhood associations. What will they all be doing? There could be lots of different entries: floats, walkers with banners, a shofar choir, a handbell choir, a brass ensemble, Biblical costumes. Bottom line? It will be a joyful display of hope and praise and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are hoping to make this the biggest parade of the year!
And I want Church Requel to be a part! What should we do? I'm open to ideas. I would love to be able to make music, not only at our church property, but all the way down Park Avenue. I don't know how to make that happen. But I bet someone within our congregation does know! Or at the very least knows someone who knows. I'd love to see us have a float. I've never made a float and have no idea how to go about it. But I bet someone within our congregation does know! Or at the very least knows someone who knows.
We are 6 weeks away! We have to act now so that we can celebrate on May 4th! Let's get together with our Church Requel friends and come up with some cool ideas for our parade entry. Be thinking about it and come to church Sunday with some exciting ideas!
Let's get out those Church Requel T-shirts and Hoodies! It would be great if we could all show up wearing our Church Requel outfits. But maybe you weren't able to order a few years back. Or maybe your size has changed. For that reason - for the next 3 Sundays - we are going to be taking new orders. The last day to order will be on Easter Sunday, April 9th. That will give us time to have the T-shirts made and delivered to us in time for the parade.
In the meantime...
March of Prayer Continues! Tonight at 6pm we meet at Christian Life Church, 961 Springmill Street. This is a church that is very much like our own. A small church with BIG things happening. This one holds a special place in my heart. They have a very similar tech / sound system as we do. Last year - when I attended the March of Prayer at their church - was where I got the idea for the in-ear monitor system that we now enjoy at Church Requel. I'm so glad I went last year and got inspired. What a difference that has made in our church!
Tomorrow morning we meet at San Shalom, 2510 West 4th Street at 10:30 am. This is another very special March of Prayer event. If you've never celebrated Christian worship in a Messianic synagogue before, you don't know what you're missing!
Saturday Morning Bible Study with Brian. We will be continuing our Mere Christianity study. Tomorrow's topic is a good one: "Free Will and the Shocking Alternative!" The study begins at 11am. There's usually good food and coffee available. We meet in the Chome at church. Thanks Brian!
Church This Sunday at 11am. We have exciting plans for Sunday. Here are the songs we'll be singing: "House of The Lord" by Phil Wickham; "Battle Belongs" by Phil Wickham; "A Thousand Hallelujahs" by Brooke Ligertwood; "Who You Say I Am" by Brooke Ligertwood; "Holy Spirit" by Francesca Battistelli; "Graves Into Gardens" by Elevation Worship; and (new) "Reason I Sing" by Phil Wickham. Thank you Brandi Walker for arranging all this for us!
Our sermon Sunday morning will be from John 16 and is titled "The Greatest Advantage." I'm really looking forward to our teaching time together. If you would like a sneak peak at Sunday's sermon, click here:
For those who cannot be with us in person Sunday, but would like to join in online... you can join us on our Facebook Page or on our YouTube channel:
Neighborhood Meal on Saturday, April 8th. We serve our neighbors a free, warm meal on the second Saturday evening of every even month. So it's coming up again in just a couple weeks from today. Let's get it on our calendars now. Thank you Eric for your leadership in making this possible for us!
If you made it this far, I congratulate you. If you think it was a lot to read... you should have seen me read it the first time! Ha! I am excited for all our ministry opportunities at Church Requel. Hope you are too. Love you all much! Pastor Mark