I wrote this last Wednesday, two days after the bombing at the Boston Marathon, for publication in this past Saturday's News Journal.
I am mad. Angry beyond reason. The evil and cowardly bombing of the Boston Marathon chews my guts inside out. The photo of the smiling eight-year-old victim, Martin Richard, reminds me eerily of my own eight-year-old grandson. Martin was described by his school as a “kind, caring, and loving young boy who had great excitement for learning.” He stood at the finish line of the Boston Marathon to celebrate the achievement of others. And now, because of the despicable act of another, Martin is dead while his mother and sister fight for their lives.
I am mad. Angry beyond reason. The tragedy in Boston is the latest in a long string of senseless, murderous acts of terror, which now includes the innocent victims of children. How should a pastor, believing in a loving and merciful God, respond to such senseless evil?
I am mad. Angry beyond reason. How should we pray when our own honest emotions of grief and outrage collide with our Christian values of love and mercy? Would you like to hear my prayer for those who are responsible for spilling the blood of our innocent children? “I hate them with complete hatred; I count them my enemies.” Before you condemn me for hate speech, consider that this is actually a model prayer found in Psalm 139:22.
Christians may erroneously think that their faith takes hatred off the table. Nothing could be further from the truth. The psalms of David in the Bible, particularly, provide us a roadmap when we are mad and angry beyond reason. “Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?” (Psalm 139:21) Another psalm actually commands those who love God to hate evil: “O you who love the LORD, hate evil!” (Psalm 97:10)
It’s ok to hate evil and evildoers in life. In fact, the Apostle Paul explains to us how to handle this hatred. “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9) The kind of love that ignores evil isn’t sincere. It’s fake. You want to be the worst kind of hypocrite? Pretend like you don’t hate the bomber who murdered Martin Richard. I can hear some of you arguing that we shouldn’t hate the person, just the evil act. Poppycock! Sincere love hates what is evil and nothing could be more evil than the person who fills a pressure cooker with nails and ball bearings and sets it to explode in the midst of a crowd of innocents.
Christianity is not about nice. It’s not about polite. Are you mad? Angry beyond reason? Admit it to God and to one another. Let our love be sincere. Let’s hate what is evil. But let’s not stay here. Let’s not allow our own honest hatred to become our own cesspool of revenge. We have to take the Apostle Paul’s next step: “Cling to what is good.”
God is good. He made us to be good. He made us to change the world for good. At times like this it’s hard. Next to impossible. That’s why Paul uses the verb, “Cling.” Hold tightly. Your hands may be cramping with the hatred welling up inside you, but you grip tightly to the good! Don’t let go!
How do we hang on to the good in the midst of such devastating evil? Not on our own. Not without God’s help. This is why David’s prayer of hatred for his enemies in Psalm 139 takes a sudden and unexpected turn at the end. Many of you know this verse, but not as the way it should be known - as the conclusion of the hate prayer.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart... see if there is any offensive way in me.”
I am mad. Angry beyond reason. Help me Lord to hate evil as perfectly as You do. Help me to see the evil even within me. Take my imperfect hatred and replace it with Your perfect love.
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